I'm feeling a lot of mommy guilt right now. My job is not so fun lately and making me resent the time I'm away from my son just to keep up my half of the paychecks. I feel incredibly guilty for having to put my son in a center-type daycare rather than a nanny, in-home daycare, or with a family member. I'm feeling guilty that LO always seems to have the sniffles or some other illness from being around other snotty kids all day. I'm feeling guilty that I can't seem to find the magic DH has that gets him to fall asleep within 10 minutes of putting him down, while it has taken me 45 (and he's still awake...DH went in to read him a story and try his hand at it).
ugh. Just a big pity party over here.
Re: Mommy guilt
Surgery for ectopic pregnancy June 3, 2008
BFP #2 September 25, 2008
Baby boy born June 4, 2009 at 40 weeks
8 pounds 13 ounces and 23 inches
BFP #3 February 6, 2011
First U/S February 25, 2011 = TWINS!!!
Boy/girl twins born October 4, 2011
Hugs to you. I totally get how you feel. It's already hard enough to be a mommy. When you add work on top of it and are away from your child it is even worse. I feel guilty all of the time. There are days I cannot get my child out of my head and want to just cry because I would rather be at home. I then feel guilty when I do get home, exhausted, and just want help from DH.
You are doing a wonderful job. Keep your chin up!