Parenting after a Loss

Help! Re: food throwing

How do I get her to stop throwing food off of her tray?  I've tried getting her to put it in my hand, nope. I've tried ignoring- she just keeps doing it. I've tried "no" and "we don't throw our food" - she keeps doing it. Help please!

Re: Help! Re: food throwing

  • I say "no throwing food" and give him a chance to stop and if he doesn't I take his plate away and only give him one thing at a time.  Usually it's a sign that he's done eating anyway.  It's hard to really get them to stop because it's really fun for them, so you just have to keep reinforcing it.  Jason's gotten a lot better with getting most of his food in his mouth.
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  • To some extent you need to change your expectations. Throwing food is completely normal behavior at this age. So expecting NONE is probably unreasonable. Working on decreasing it is a more realistic expectation. Like pp mentioned - sometimes you can give just one piece at a time. Kiddo gets two warnings and then third throw means meal is over. Remember that meal time is supposed to be a pleasant and social time. You want kiddo to have a positive feeling about food and meals with family. So yelling is almost never acceptable at the table. Correct firmly and move on. GL!
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  • I went through this with the twins. As hard as it was I started giving them one peice at a time. That way they would eat it, because they were hungry. Or I would say dont throw food or we will be all done. They eventually got the point after being hungry a few times after lunch time. Of course I would give them a snack an hour or so later.

    I know she is older then Hayden, but this morning my dad told me something that is very true. "young children think that everything they pick up is food or a toy" So if she has food in her mouth then the left over food must be a toy... right? This is a hard one... good luck, she will get there eventully.

  • DD1 will now give me the food instead of throwing it, but it took a few months.  I started by telling her no and giving her three strikes.  I'd offer my hand, and she'd still throw it overboard.  After the third time, I would take her out of the high chair and try again later.  But after weeks/months of doing this, she started giving me the food instead.  Now she almost always tries to give it to me before throwing it, and only throws if I don't notice she's trying to give it to me (or if she's throwing a tantrum, which is another awesome new phase ...)
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