

Beta is tomorrow, right?

Have you tested again? I know you said you tested on Sunday or Monday..way too early girl!

Guess I won't be seeing you at the office tomorrow...GOOD LUCK!


TTC #1 since June 2008 *SAIFW*

TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs

Re: *sunshine05*

  • Yep, tomorrow at 7:30... I tested every day this week and all BFN's.  Today is 12dpo, so I'd think I'd at least get a faint line by now.  Not expecting much out of tomorrow unfortunately. 

    I have been in such a great mood this cycle too.  So happy and giggly with DH... back how it used to be.  He said he had such a great feeling about it, and I hate that I'm (likely) going to disappoint him again tomorrow.  I am going to try to see if I can get in with my doc before our next cycle to discuss things.

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  • I'm sorry sweetie. BFNs suck so much. I think it is a great idea to talk to your doctor before your next cycle. I really think you need another med to help your E2. Are you considering switching to injects?

    You didn't disappoint your husband, sweetie. I know how you feel and I understand but you didn't and you have to know that. I know he doesn't feel that way at all.


    TTC #1 since June 2008 *SAIFW*

    TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs

  • Loading the player...
  • I would be open to it, if she thinks it would be worthwhile.  I'm a little scared of the costs though and have no idea what might be covered under my prescription plan.  Would you mind sharing what yours cost on an average injectable cycle?  I have responded fast to just the oral pills... triggering on CD13 and CD15. 

    Logically, I know that he doesn't blame me at all... but it sucks knowing it's all my "fault" since he doesn't share any of our IF.  Though obviously I know it's a "couple's issue" together and not belonging just to one of us.  I just let myself get way too positive about this cycle.  I mean, I was lurking on the Sept. 2011 board.  Hello, crazy much?!

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  • I don't mind sharing the cost with you at all..I have the exact figures at home and can give you those when I get home, if you'd like. I know that my Follistim for my IUI cycles was right around $1,500 OOP price. And the Menopur for the IUI was right around $1,800 OOP. So that total, plus the cost of the hCG, is your hCG covered? And then the cost of progesterone. I do have coverage for the Follistim/Gonal-F and Menopur just not the progesterone or trigger.

    It is so hard to not get too excited about cycles, I know. After about our 3rd IUI I was just totally detached from it all...I never expected it to work. It isn't good to be too positive but it also isn't any good to be as detached as I was.

    I understand about the whole guilt thing, too. DH did have the low morph but that was an easy fix with his it is all on me. It is way easier to say it than it is to do it, I know. Just last night I asked him if he'd hate me if this IVF fails.


    TTC #1 since June 2008 *SAIFW*

    TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs

  • imagemadelyn07:
    Just last night I asked him if he'd hate me if this IVF fails.


    This just about made me cry!  Poor thing!  And I know your DH could/would never hate you for any of this.  But luckily you aren't going to even have to worry about it b/c it's going to work!! 

    And yes, I agree with you about being cocky that it's so going to work vs. being completely numb/detached to it.  I have to find some middle ground.  It honestly didn't help that we told our families over Christmas that we had already started treatments the month before.  I have my moms, MIL, and SIL all calling me for updates every few days.  I'm going to need to tell them they need to chill this next cycle, I can't handle all of that no matter how well-intentioned!

    Thanks for the estimates on meds.  Yikes, that's a lot.  I'm going to need to see what is/isn't covered.  My trigger only cost me about $20 and I think progesterone was about $25... so obviously I've got some decent coverage, I'm just not sure how far into IF meds that good coverage goes.  I need to see if there's a way to look stuff up about this online.  I'm going to need to plan ahead for it if it costs that much.  DH & I don't make that much and I don't want to dip into our savings/e-fund for treatments.  

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  • Middle ground..exactly. Unfortunately, by nature, I'm a pessimist, so I tend to lean towards the detached side of things. DH gets so, so mad at me. He has a degree in sports psych and always relates that to our cycles.

    If your progesterone and hCG were covered, you probably have decent coverage. I paid like $100 for the trigger and I can't remember for the progesterone..I think supps were around $60 and the PIO was a lot more.

    The clinic should be able to give you some idea of what coverage you will have, they've been right on with mine. Granted they have a lot of patients that work where I do so they know it inside and out but still.

    TTC #1 since June 2008 *SAIFW*

    TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs

  • Okay, I'll have to ask someone there if they can help me figure out costs then.  I've tried to see if I can log in to the Aetna site to see what's covered, but it won't let me register for some reason.  Will have to investigate that more later.  Thanks for talking things through with me here for a bit, I appreciate it.  :) 

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  • imageSunshine05:

    Okay, I'll have to ask someone there if they can help me figure out costs then.  I've tried to see if I can log in to the Aetna site to see what's covered, but it won't let me register for some reason.  Will have to investigate that more later.  Thanks for talking things through with me here for a bit, I appreciate it.  :) 

    No problem sweetie! Anytime!

    And, FYI, I'm not sure which pharmacy you've used in the past but Southern (in B'ham, the one our clinic uses most often) is more expensive than places like Freedom, if you have to pay anything OOP. I've continued to use Southern because I just have a flat co-pay for the expensive meds, not a % co-pay. But if I had to pay more OOP or if the total cost increased the amount of co-pay I had, I'd have gone somewhere else.

    I just used them because they are relatively close, the clinic stocks their meds in their office in case you run out or something and I've had a super good experience with them. But...when it comes to $$, they definitely aren't the cheapest. The clinic will let you use whoever you want, though.

    TTC #1 since June 2008 *SAIFW*

    TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs

  • Okay thanks!  I've never had to order meds before, so I'm not sure exactly how they do it but I'll probably hit you up when that time comes.  I've been able to get my Femara and Novarel at Target... and when I had to get the Progesterone at a compounding pharmacy, I went to a little mom&pop place near my house.  Good to know about the pharmacies though, thanks!
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  • imageSunshine05:
    Okay thanks!  I've never had to order meds before, so I'm not sure exactly how they do it but I'll probably hit you up when that time comes.  I've been able to get my Femara and Novarel at Target... and when I had to get the Progesterone at a compounding pharmacy, I went to a little mom&pop place near my house.  Good to know about the pharmacies though, thanks!

    Basically on CD 3 they just tell you which meds you will be on and ask which pharmacy you'd like to use. So, if you are considering switching to injects, you might want to research this ahead of time. Then they just fax the script in to that pharmacy. At Southern, they'll call you once they receive the fax and verify everything...and set up an account for you if it is your first time (address, birthdate, credit card #, ect). Very easy!


    TTC #1 since June 2008 *SAIFW*

    TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs

  • Um, so I just hacked my way into DH's Rx account log-in (Angel) and I was able to search drug costs on his site just not on mine since I'm just a lowly dependent.  I just typed in a drug to see what the cost/copay would be.  Mind you, I have not a clue as to how many of each of these vials are even used in a cycle, so if you're feeling up to playing send me over a list of how many of each drug you used for a given cycle.  I randomly put in 15 vials of a 75unit Menopur... and it came up with a cost of $1350 with a copay of $50!  What?!
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  • imageSunshine05:
    Um, so I just hacked my way into DH's Rx account log-in (Angel) and I was able to search drug costs on his site just not on mine since I'm just a lowly dependent.  I just typed in a drug to see what the cost/copay would be.  Mind you, I have not a clue as to how many of each of these vials are even used in a cycle, so if you're feeling up to playing send me over a list of how many of each drug you used for a given cycle.  I randomly put in 15 vials of a 75unit Menopur... and it came up with a cost of $1350 with a copay of $50!  What?!

    It all depends on your protocol but as a reference, for my IUI cycle I was on 150iu of Menopur a day, which is two vials (75iu/vial). I was on stims for 7 days so I used 14 vials and I think they sent me 20 total vials. That was around $1800 OOP.

    My first cycle on Follistim I was on 100iu/day and they sent me the 300iu cartridges, so they'd last me a little more than 3 days/cartridge (they over fill the cartridge so be sure to get all of it out! Sometimes that means two shots, though). My second cycle I was on 150iu/day for 7 days and I believe they sent me 5 cartridges just in case and that was around $1500.

    I think they typically start people out anywhere from 75-100iu for their first injectable cycle, depending on your response to Clomid/Femara.

    Does that help at all?

    TTC #1 since June 2008 *SAIFW*

    TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs

  • I must have a total flat copay because I priced 20 vials of 75iu Menopur and it had a cost of $1800 with only a $50 copay (same as my original test of 15 vials)... and I tested 5 cartridges of 300iu Follistim and it came out with a cost of $4100 with a copay of $50 as well.  And these were all for retail or specialty pharmacies, not even having to go through mail-order.  I'll believe it when I see it, but wow!  I had no idea they would be covered!  This is such a load off my mind if/when we move onto injects.
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  • imageSunshine05:
    I must have a total flat copay because I priced 20 vials of 75iu Menopur and it had a cost of $1800 with only a $50 copay (same as my original test of 15 vials)... and I tested 5 cartridges of 300iu Follistim and it came out with a cost of $4100 with a copay of $50 as well.  And these were all for retail or specialty pharmacies, not even having to go through mail-order.  I'll believe it when I see it, but wow!  I had no idea they would be covered!  This is such a load off my mind if/when we move onto injects.

    I hope it is right! Because if it is, that's a crazy low co-pay! I'm thrilled with our co-pay and it a lot more than that!

    I think most places tend to do a flat rate co-pay...just a few do it on the % of the total cost. Double check with the clinic but I bet it is probably right.

    You never know may not need it...I know you aren't hopeful but my fingers are still crossed for you!


    TTC #1 since June 2008 *SAIFW*

    TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs

  • Thanks, sweetie.  I appreciate the good thoughts!  I will be shocked if it comes back positive though.  I'm already starting to cramp, even on the supps.  (which I am SO over btw!)
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  • imageSunshine05:
    Thanks, sweetie.  I appreciate the good thoughts!  I will be shocked if it comes back positive though.  I'm already starting to cramp, even on the supps.  (which I am SO over btw!)



    TTC #1 since June 2008 *SAIFW*

    TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs

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