I'll be wearing DS until he's a bit older to ride in the Baby Jogger City Mini Double. What baby carrier/wrap do you have? Like it? Love it? Hate it? Tips?
I have a Moby now and I love it. It was overwhelming at first because of all the fabric, but now I am used to it. I wear it most of the day whether DD is in it or not so that I don't have to retie it. I am considering getting a woven for when DD gets to heavy for the Moby.
We also have an Ergo, but I'm not a fan of the newborn insert. I liked it once it was on, but it was really, really hard to get it on. I am sure I will like the Ergo once DD is big enough to not need the insert.
DS was a handful as an infant so I used the Bjorn as it was easiest. I did get a Moby but could never figure it out as DS was crying. I got an Ergo when he was 6m and love it! I love the back carry-it makes a 24lb baby feel like a feather! I don't have the infant insert so I have no comment on that. With 2U2 I plan to babywear more and hope to figure out the Moby.
i have a whole slew of woven wrpas. they're like stretchy wraps (like a moby) but with more support. i love them, but i think my stash is getting to be too much so i might have to narrow it down to just a few. i also have a ring sling which i like ok but it's not as versitale as the wraps, and a mei tai which is ok too but again, not as versatile. much easier to do a back carry in, though!
After trying the Moby, Beco Butterfly, and Baby Bjorn, I now love my Beco Gemini. It's comfy for DS, he can face out, in, on my hip, or on my back, and it provides really good back support for me.
Ihave two hot slings --- hate them. A moby I like it once it is on but DS will not stay in it long. I have an ergo & so far that is my favorite ... Easy to get on & DS seems the most comfy
Re: Baby Wraps/Carriers
I have a Moby now and I love it. It was overwhelming at first because of all the fabric, but now I am used to it. I wear it most of the day whether DD is in it or not so that I don't have to retie it. I am considering getting a woven for when DD gets to heavy for the Moby.
We also have an Ergo, but I'm not a fan of the newborn insert. I liked it once it was on, but it was really, really hard to get it on. I am sure I will like the Ergo once DD is big enough to not need the insert.
I can't wait to give a back carry a try.
Summer 2011