Parenting after a Loss

Carson is sick : (

He has had a productive cough for a week and a half now.  I called the doc on Monday and they said that if it's just the cough to call after 3 weeks, or to call sooner if he gets a fever of 100.5 or higher, or if he has trouble breathing or his snot gets really nasty.  Last night when I picked him up from DC his eyes looked funny and he wasn't himself.  His R eye was also a little gooey, but I attributed it to the cold.  I brought him home and he napped on me for an hour.  When he woke up his eye was about gooed shut and pinkish, and he had a low grade fever.  We gave him so ibuprofin and put him to bed at 7:30ish.  He woke up at 1:30 with a fever of 102.5 and both eyes were totally good shut : (  Poor kid.  Now I'm just waiting for 8 so I can call the docs and hopefully they can get him on something to make him feel better.  I hate when he's sick, and you know he's truly not ok because he's not all over the place and into everything, he's super snuggly. My poor little dude...

Re: Carson is sick : (

  • DD had an ear infection when she got the nasty eyes. I hope your little man feels better soon!
    Oct 2008 m/c #1 5 weeks, May 2009 m/c #2 4w5d. BFP 6/23/09 EDD 3/8/10!
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  • Awww...poor C! Hope he starts feeling better soon!
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  • I hope C feels better soon!!
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