
Fun Tuesday night poll

How often do you:

Shave your legs in the winter? In the summer?

Clean your bathroom?

Wash the sheets and towels?

See your best friend?

Work out/go to the gym?

Go to the movies?

Cook at home?

Get groceries?

Visit the Bump?


Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: Fun Tuesday night poll

  • Shave your legs in the winter? In the summer? usually every day...never skip more than one day..same for winter and summer

    Clean your bathroom? well, DH and I don't share a bathroom so my bathroom stays pretty clean ;) I usually scrub the shower/toilet/sink every week or so, vacuum the floor a few times a week

    Wash the sheets and towels? every week

    See your best friend? DH is my best friend and I see him often :)

    Work out/go to the gym? usually 3-4 times a week

    Go to the movies? rarely...maybe 2 times a year?

    Cook at home? usually 5 or so times a week, except during DH's season, usually a bit less then

    Get groceries? every Sunday

    Visit the Bump? multiple times a day

    TTC #1 since June 2008 *SAIFW*

    TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs

  • How often do you: Shave your legs in the winter? In the summer? In the summer just about every day, winter is about 1-2x/week Clean your bathroom? 1x/week Wash the sheets and towels?Sheets were washed today due to DH & I having the Noro virus, towels weekly See your best friend? I see DH everyday ;) awwwwwww Work out/go to the gym? I plead the 5th Go to the movies? Every 3 months or so Cook at home? Not often enough Get groceries? 1-2x/week Visit the Bump? Daily!!!!!! ?
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  • Ugh sorry, that is ugly! First post from the iPad!
  • How often do you:

    Shave your legs in the winter? every other day or so   In the summer?  every day

    Clean your bathroom? every week

    Wash the sheets and towels? every week

    See your best friend?  every day (my hubby :) )

    Work out/go to the gym? about 6 days a week

    Go to the movies?  maybe once a year...

    Cook at home?  hmmm...five days a week...

    Get groceries? every weekend

    Visit the Bump? I try to every day, but work and other responsibilities get in the way sometimes! dangit!!


    Stopped BCPs December 2008 TTC since June 2009 6 unsuccessful Clomid cycles Dx Annovulatory due to PCOS January 2010 DH-perfect 4 unsuccessful IUIs Began Lupron July 7 for first IVF IVF cancelled; overstimulation and coasting lead to huge drop in E2 New testing with an Endocrinologist...perhaps a new diagnosis... So, not PCOS but Hashimoto's Thyroiditis November 2010 After a looong break, started seeing a new RE. Gearing up for IVF 1.2. Beta 1=197!! BabyFruit Ticker image
  • imageJenny952:

    How often do you:

    Shave your legs in the winter? 1x/week. oh yeah. In the summer? 2-3 times/ week.

    Clean your bathroom? 1/ week

    Wash the sheets and towels? 1/week

    See your best friend? Every day! (DH)

    Work out/go to the gym? Lately not often, but pre IVF/lap 2-3 times/ week

    Go to the movies? 2-3 x per year? Not really a fan of theaters

    Cook at home? 5-6 times a week for dinner and more for lunch/bfast.

    Get groceries? 1-2 times /week

    Visit the Bump? every day, a few times.


    My Story and Blog:
    The Conception Craze

    1/2009- TTTC
    After 7 rounds of clomid and HcG, Three failed IUI's with an ectopic pregnancy, two shots of methotrextate, ER visits, breaks, low (3%) morphology One IVF cycle (lupron, gonal-F) that ended in another ectopic, more methotrexate, A Lap to disconnect both tubes, remove endo and a hydrosalphinx, . . .we are finally expecting TWINS from FET#1!
    1.11. 2011: Beginning FET cycle!
    3.11.11- FET! (DH's birthday!) 2 blasts transfered!
    3.20.11- BETA #1 BFP!!! 272! (9dp5dt)
    3.23.11- BETA #2 1346!!! (12dp5dt)
    4.8.11- U/S #1. . TWINS!!! . . .TWO BOYS!
    9.10.11-My beautiful Boys arrive unexpectedly at 28 weeks, 6 days. imageimage
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers image

  • How often do you:

    Shave your legs in the winter? In the summer?  Winter: 1x every 2 weeks, or during a cycle daily! Summer: Daily!  I take time off in the winter :) lol as gross as I'm sure everyone is going to think I am!

    Clean your bathroom? DH cleans it once every other week.

    Wash the sheets and towels? Weekly!!!!

    See your best friend? 2x a year. She lives in VA and I'm in OH.

    Work out/go to the gym? Not sure I understand, work out what? lol  Never.

    Go to the movies?  1-2 times per month depending on if there are any good movies coming out.

    Cook at home?  Every single night almost! I live to cook, and I'm a cheepie butt especially with just purchasing a new home and paying for another IVF here coming up.

    Get groceries?  Every other week is my big shopping, and then I fill in if I'm out of something.

    Visit the Bump? Every morning before work (6am ish) at night when I get home (8pmish)

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  • imageJenny952:

    How often do you:

    Shave your legs in the winter?     once or twice a week    In the summer? daily

    Clean your bathroom?uuuhhhh... cleaning questions are embarrassing... I'd say every two weeks.  I'm not the best housekeeper.

    Wash the sheets and towels? every week

    See your best friend?  I have two.  One lives two hours away, but I still see her every few months and we talk a few times a week.  My other BF lived in the same town as me until last summer when she moved to Biloxi with her fiance.  I miss her so much!

    Work out/go to the gym? Three times a week I work out with a trainer.  I love her!!!

    Go to the movies?  Maybe once a month.  We tend to go more in the winter when there isn't much else to do.

    Cook at home?   Two or three times a week

    Get groceries?  Every Sunday

    Visit the Bump?  daily.  I'm usually on in the evenings when my DH is at work.  But today was a snow day so I've been on here all day :)


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  • How often do you:

    Shave your legs in the winter? In the summer? about every 3-4days

    Clean your bathroom? weekly

    Wash the sheets and towels? weekly

    See your best friend? monthly =(

    Work out/go to the gym? use to go 5days per week, until ivf

    Go to the movies? very couple months

    Cook at home? almost every night

    Get groceries? I try to go once a week. But sometimes I have to make little stops for fresh items

    Visit the Bump? never

    Fraternal twin boys born 1/12/12 at 36 weeks
    Identical twin girls expected in March! 
  • imageJenny952:

    How often do you:

    Shave your legs in the winter? In the summer? 1/week in the winter, every other day in the summer

    Clean your bathroom? every other weekend (if I'm good, sometimes it goes another week)

    Wash the sheets and towels? once a week

    See your best friend? sadly my BFF lives far away, so it's only about once a year

    Work out/go to the gym? I try to go 3 times a week

    Go to the movies? Not very often, only every couple months

    Cook at home? we don't eat in enough, so probably 1-2 times a week

    Get groceries? every other week for the big stock-up trip but more like a couple times a week to run in and grab something like milk, eggs, etc.

    Visit the Bump? Almost every night


    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

  • Shave your legs in the winter?  Every couple days  In the summer? Every day

    Clean your bathroom? Once a week

    Wash the sheets and towels? Once a week

    See your best friend? DH, so every day

    Work out/go to the gym? several times a week

    Go to the movies? Very rarely

    Cook at home? About 5 times a week

    Get groceries? Usually once a week

    Visit the Bump?  Many times a day

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  • How often do you:

    Shave your legs in the winter?  Depends - I wear a lot of skirts and dresses to if I'm bare-legged, I shave my legs that same am (even if its two days in a row)

    In the summer?  Almost daily...

    Clean your bathroom?  Ugh...depends on whether or not DH has been home a lot.  Once a week at minimum but he's disgusting and misses.  A lot.

    Wash the sheets and towels?  Sheets at least once a week and I feel like I'm washing towels constantly!

    See your best friend?  I use the term bf loosley, but my closest friend I work with so I see every day :)

    Work out/go to the gym?  Every morning

    Go to the movies?  Depends on what's out - I'm a big fan of seeing movies alone and if I'm bored one afternoon or even if I have a craving for popcorn, I'll hit up a movie.

    Cook at home?  Hardly ever

    Get groceries?  Hardly ever

    Visit the Bump?  Daily!!!!

    TTC since May 2009 - DOR (ovarian cancer) DE w RBA December 2011 - transferred one embryo 12/14 - three frosties Beta #1 - 129 (12/22) Beta #2 - ? (12/26)
  • How often do you:

    Shave your legs in the winter? In the summer?  Winter: Hardly ever Summer: Daily! 

    Clean your bathroom? MH cleans them every other weekend

    Wash the sheets and towels? Once a week but we use new towels daily

    See your best friend? As "cheezy" as this sounds MH truely is my best friend and I get to see him daily 

    Work out/go to the gym? I tore my Achilles so I can't work out right now Crying I do go to physical therapy 2x  a week if that counts.

    Go to the movies?  Once every other month.

    Cook at home?  Almost every night. I think eating out is a waste of money.

    Get groceries?  We usually go every Saturday but I'd like to only go twice a month.

    Visit the Bump? Almost daily when I get home from work, and sometimes during work when I work from home.

    After 4 years, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs our surprise miracle is here!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    My Blog

    TTC # 2 BFP 03/02/13 = CP, BFP 05/14/13 = CP, BFP 08/09/13 = CP

    RPL testing = normal

    TI Cycle #1, 50 clomid days 3-7, 150 iu Follistim days 8-11 = BFP! EDD May 22, 2014

    Betas: 13 DPO = 79, 15 DPO = 149, 19 DPO = 788, 22 DPO = 2031

  • How often do you:Shave your legs in the winter? In the summer? 1-3x/weekClean your bathroom? wipe stuff down almost daily, but hardcore clean every other weekWash the sheets and towels?  sheets - weekly, towels - very few daysSee your best friend?  several times/weekWork out/go to the gym?  3-4 days/weekGo to the movies?  at least once a month with a gfCook at home?  at least 4 days/weekGet groceries?  every other week or soVisit the Bump?  several times/day
    TTC since 2008 dx PCOS & MFI
    Clomid/Femara no "O"
    IVF #1 BFN
    FET #1 cancelled for biopsy
    FET #1.2 c/p, July 2012 c/p
    IUI #1 & 1.2 canceled
    IVF #2 ER 12/1, Freeze all due to OHSS
    FET #2.1 cancelled due to DVT risk, FET #2.2 Jan 2013
    my blog

  • Shave your legs in the winter? In the summer?

    -Winter: every other day or so; Summer: every day 

    Clean your bathroom?


    Wash the sheets and towels?


    See your best friend?

    - Not often enough 

    Work out/go to the gym?

    - Again, not often enough.  My workout regimen has gone out the window lately. 

    Go to the movies?

    - Twice a month 

    Cook at home?

    -Never. lol. I used to cook daily but am lacking motivation lately. 

    Get groceries?

    - Every 2 weeks 

    Visit the Bump?

    - Daily! 


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  • How often do you:Shave your legs in the winter? In the summer?  everyday. i'm weird.Clean your bathroom? once a weekWash the sheets and towels? once a weekSee your best friend? hmm...wish it was all the time but probably once a weekWork out/go to the gym? 5 days a weekGo to the movies?  not often, but i wish we did! we love our couch too muchCook at home?  often, but i'm home during the week by myself bc my husband travels, so i usually only cook a couple times a week and just eat leftoversGet groceries?  every saturday - i hate the grocery store! Visit the Bump? very often! a day without you girls is incomplete
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  • imageJenny952:

    How often do you:

    Shave your legs in the winter? In the summer? Every day in the summer, maybe every other day in the winter. Longer if I know nothings happening with DH

    Clean your bathroom? Deep clean? Every few weeks. I wipe down with clorox wipe every weekend to get makeup, toothpaste off the vanity

    Wash the sheets and towels? I change my sheets every Sunday and I do at least a load of towels every week

    See your best friend? Every day. I get to work with my best friend, who is my siser

    Work out/go to the gym? Pre IVF treatments? About 3 times a week. Now? maybe twice

    Go to the movies? DH and I go about every other weekend

    Cook at home? 6-7 nights a week. We rarely eat out

    Get groceries? Usually every sunday

    Visit the Bump? every day!


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  • imageJenny952:

    How often do you:

    Shave your legs in the winter? In the summer? Winter-almost never (I' blessed with leg hair that is blonde and doesn't actually grow very long) Summer-mabye once a week

    Clean your bathroom? every week. bathrooms disgust me

    Wash the sheets and towels? every week

    See your best friend? not nearly enough...military keeps me far from everyone :(

    Work out/go to the gym? 6 days a week

    Go to the movies? maybe once every 3 months. 

    Cook at home? at least 5 days a week

    Get groceries? once a week

    Visit the Bump? haha..too much according to DH but at least once a day


    Dx Anovulatory PCOS Clomid,Ovidrel,TI=BFN IUI#1-#3 Femara,Ovidrel=BFN IUI#4-Gonal F,Ovidrel=BFN IUI#5-Gonal F,Ovidrel= BFP!! Beta #1 11dpIUI=34, Beta #2=131,first u/s 3/14=1 perfect bug with a heartbeat! Anderson Phillip, Born 11/2/11 7lbs 10oz 21in. Image and video hosting by TinyPic Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Shave your legs in the winter? In the summer? maybe once per season, i did laser and love the results!Clean your bathroom? once per weekWash the sheets and towels?  once per weekSee your best friend? DH, everyday =) Work out/go to the gym? when the RE allows me, 6 days per weekGo to the movies? rarely Cook at home? 4 days per week Get groceries? once per weekVisit the Bump? several times per day
    ::PAIF/SAIF Welcome::

    TTC since July 2008
    IUI 1,2,3 BFN
    IVF #1 C/P, FET 1,2,3 BFN
    IVF#2 BFP

    it's a girl!!

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Shave your legs in the winter? Every other day  In the summer? Daily

    Clean your bathroom? Every other week

    Wash the sheets and towels? Weekly

    See your best friend? DH is really my BF, but also my sister and I see her 2-3 times a week. Probably more when she moves down the road from us.

    Work out/go to the gym? 3-4 a week

    Go to the movies? Maybe 3 times a year

    Cook at home? On average 5 nights a week

    Get groceries? Weekly

    Visit the Bump? Hourly

    After 3 years of infertility we were blessed with twin girls through private infant adoption.
    Forever our's October 17th 2012
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • How often do you:

    Shave your legs in the winter? In the summer? 2 times a week in winter unless going to RE, summer everyday.

    Clean your bathroom? once a week

    Wash the sheets and towels? Once a week. Change towels every other day and wash once a week

    See your best friend? not nearly enough. 2 times per year

    Work out/go to the gym? i wish

    Go to the movies? 2 times a year, maybe

    Cook at home? cook meals every night, me cook, average 2 times a week

    Get groceries? full food shopping, once a week. pick up stuff here and there when needed during the week

    Visit the Bump? way too often. im on all day


    TTC #2 since June '08

    ~*DD 10.21.07*~

    dx unexplained

    IUI #1-4 BFN

    IVF#1 June 2011 BFN

    IVF#2 Dec 2011

    Beta#1 12/21 : 812 Beta#2 12/23 : 1634

    EDD 8/25


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