Well 2 actually!
#1 I haven't posted hardly at all lately mainly b/c the bump has been SO slow!! It would be all that I could do to read the posts. Much better tonight for some reason.
#2 Im addicted to couponing so much that when I should have been high tailing it home from work b/c of the icy conditions.....I did 2 grocery store runs b/c the sales ended today. Im obsessed w/ getting free stuff!
Is that bad? lol
Re: Confession
1 - thebump has been so freaking slow lately! agreed. glad you're posting now!
2 - what did you get for free with your coupons?!
I love free stuff:> CVS is my favorite store, well next to Kohls.
TTC since 2007
6 IUIs, 3 IVFs, and 2 m/c :< PCOS, Blood Clotting Disorder & MFI
IVF #2 Aug 2011 is a BFN:<
IVF #3 March 2012 is a BFN
Not sure what to do now. Sad and lost.
Today I didn't get much "free" but I got the whole back part of my pathfinder full of groceries for $35 which included a roast, 2 packs of chicken, pasta, hair spray, milk, bread, sausage....ok Im going to stop now.
We have an amazing lady who is local that does all of the grocery store match ups which makes it SO easy. I go on her website www.southernsavers.com (if your interested) & click on the store & then click the items that I would like. Then I see if I have the coupons for it & off I go. It's pretty crazy what my pantry looks like & I love the challenge.
TTC #1 Since 3/2010 Diagnosed with POF
6/2010-IVF #1 Cancelled after ER b/c 0 eggs recovered
On to Donor Eggs
9-30-10 IVF w/ DE begins & Donor started stims 10-4-10
Donor ER 10-14-10 14 Fertilized Eggs ~ ET 10-17-10 (7 Frosties)
IVF #1 11-18-10 M/C @ 7 Weeks~Stopped growing @ 5 Weeks
FET #1 2-1-2011
Beta #1 13dp3dt 2-14-2011~722
Beta #2 15dp3dt 2-16-2011~1942
1st U/S 3-3-2011~Twin Girls
Oh yes! LOVE CVS!!
When I 1st started the couponing thing DH was w/ me when I did 1 of my trips there & he started walking to the car pretty fast. I asked him why when we got in the car & he really thought I had done something illegal & that they were getting ready to call the police. lol
TTC #1 Since 3/2010 Diagnosed with POF
6/2010-IVF #1 Cancelled after ER b/c 0 eggs recovered
On to Donor Eggs
9-30-10 IVF w/ DE begins & Donor started stims 10-4-10
Donor ER 10-14-10 14 Fertilized Eggs ~ ET 10-17-10 (7 Frosties)
IVF #1 11-18-10 M/C @ 7 Weeks~Stopped growing @ 5 Weeks
FET #1 2-1-2011
Beta #1 13dp3dt 2-14-2011~722
Beta #2 15dp3dt 2-16-2011~1942
1st U/S 3-3-2011~Twin Girls
Whatever they have done to speed it up...A HUGE thank you!! lol
TTC #1 Since 3/2010 Diagnosed with POF
6/2010-IVF #1 Cancelled after ER b/c 0 eggs recovered
On to Donor Eggs
9-30-10 IVF w/ DE begins & Donor started stims 10-4-10
Donor ER 10-14-10 14 Fertilized Eggs ~ ET 10-17-10 (7 Frosties)
IVF #1 11-18-10 M/C @ 7 Weeks~Stopped growing @ 5 Weeks
FET #1 2-1-2011
Beta #1 13dp3dt 2-14-2011~722
Beta #2 15dp3dt 2-16-2011~1942
1st U/S 3-3-2011~Twin Girls
Currently pg with our 1st after 6.5 yrs of IF (thank you IVF)
My IF/Everything Blog
There's No Crying in Baseball
***My posts are always SAIFW**
Now we're waiting on our miracle baby ... a little GIRL!!!
Now we're waiting on our miracle baby ... a little GIRL!!!
Kohls! You are a woman after my own heart.
Now we're waiting on our miracle baby ... a little GIRL!!!
Now we're waiting on our miracle baby ... a little GIRL!!!
Yeah I saw it the other night & was very disturbed by all of their stock piles! Don't get me wrong, I have a stock pile but not enough to stock an entire grocery store. What they all did was beyond what any normal person should do.
That 1 guy got 1100 boxes of cereal....he did donate it thank goodness!
TTC #1 Since 3/2010 Diagnosed with POF
6/2010-IVF #1 Cancelled after ER b/c 0 eggs recovered
On to Donor Eggs
9-30-10 IVF w/ DE begins & Donor started stims 10-4-10
Donor ER 10-14-10 14 Fertilized Eggs ~ ET 10-17-10 (7 Frosties)
IVF #1 11-18-10 M/C @ 7 Weeks~Stopped growing @ 5 Weeks
FET #1 2-1-2011
Beta #1 13dp3dt 2-14-2011~722
Beta #2 15dp3dt 2-16-2011~1942
1st U/S 3-3-2011~Twin Girls