Parenting after a Loss

Ultrasound/Placenta Previa Update

I was told at my 20 week u/s that I had marginal placenta previa. Went this afternoon and the placenta moved to exactly where it should be! Thank goodness because I was possibly going to be put on bed rest and would have to have a C section if it did not move. I am relieved. Baby looked good. Strong heart beat and weighing about 3lbs which I know means nothing cause t hey are not really accurate.

Now I am off to try to get some sleep because I feel horrible. I went to my primary after and I dont have strep but my throat is so swollen and I am having a hard time eating and swallowing. Doctor told me to try taking Benadryl to sleep tonight but I hate taking anything. Ugh...just hope for a good nights sleep. And we are supposed to wake up to about a foot of snow so I am hoping DH will be home to help me tomorrow.

Good night ladies! Have a good one. Thanks for your well wishes earlier today.

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Re: Ultrasound/Placenta Previa Update

  • I'm so glad your placenta moved!  What a relief.  Hope you feel better in the morning and get some good sleep tonight!
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  • Glad your u/s looked good! I had a marginal previa as well and mine also moved up :) Take a Benadryl! That and Tylenol have WONDERFUL safety data in pregnancy. You can take it without worrying :) Feel better!
    BFP#1 May 17, 2008
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    BFP #3 February 6, 2011
    First U/S February 25, 2011 = TWINS!!!
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  • YAY!  So glad it moved!
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  • Great news!!  Feel better!
  • I'm so glad you got good news today.
    I hope you feel better soon!
    Prolactinoma, Hypothyroidism, PCOS m/c 8-19-08 @ 9wks 3d
    "And where was I before the day that I first saw your lovely face? Now I see it everyday and I know that I am the luckiest."
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