Since becoming a mother...and returning to work. I am getting more paranoid about sick employees coming to work. On my team today, two of my employees are sick. Like can't breathe, nasally talking, sneezing/coughing every where....I mean, you have a cold...please go home and not spread your germs!
I have been the type of person who never takes sick time...I had almost a month of sick time acrrued before I went on maternity leave, but I didn't come in, when I could spread my germs like that!! Maybe I am too anal now since having a baby?
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Re: Sick employees at work
I've always felt that if you are sick, you should stay home, even before becoming a mom, but now it's ten times worse. When you're sick, you shouldn't stay home just because YOU feel bad, you should stay home so you don't spread your illness to OTHERS.
My boss had cancer and went through chemo, so at the slightest hint of a cold, I am forbidden from coming in to work. This is a great policy b/c I would feel awful if I gave him a cold.