I have had it with my pedi's office. I LOVE my pedi, but his office sucks.
I tried to get Adi in this week for her reflux. Its out of control, to where the daycare is having a hard time feeding her today, we are having a hard time feeding her, and we have noticed a sour/acidy smell coming from her breath now.
So I call today to try and see if he will change her prescription or whatever, with him just seeing her two weeks ago for this same mattter. And they tell us we need to come in. I can understand partially, in a way, but we were there just two weeks ago for the same issue...but ok we'll come in.
Well, they can only see us today right then or Weds at 130 in an office in South Houston. Well, today is my first day back to work from maternity leave...and we leave in far North Houston suburbs...so I ask can he please see if his other closer offices has another available slot...and the receptionist goes "NO, we are already accomidating YOU, by pushing YOU in our busy schedule. YOU will have to take what WE give you"....in a very rude tone.
I mean, come on. My daughter is not EATING for pete's sake...she is only taking 2 oz a feeding instead of 4/5 like normal. This is very important.
So I told them, "OK well I will be calling YOU back with the fax number to my NEW pedi so you can fax her records to them"
Am I overreacting to this? I am just very concerned she is not eating enough...shouldn't the pedi be too? Am I wrong not to see if they can fit me today at a South Houston location, why can't they fit me in another day at a closer location? And closer locations is 4 offices...not just one?
I now have an appt with a new pedi, that my good friend recommended to us on Weds in the morning. Maybe I am being unreasonable? But her tone was just out of line as well.
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Re: We have to switch pedi's :(