1. If you had one week off to do anything you wanted (money not a problem) what would you do?
2. What will you be having for lunch today?
3. Who cooks more at your house you or SO?
4. Do you like to shop in stores or online?
5. Are you taking a vacation this year? Where?
Hope you all have a great Monday! I am back to work after a nice 3 week break! Trying to get back into the swing of things!
Re: Monday Random Poll
1. If you had one week off to do anything you wanted (money not a problem) what would you do? I would travel to Ireland or go on a cruise.
2. What will you be having for lunch today? Not sure yet, we are going to Ikea so something on the way there probably
3. Who cooks more at your house you or SO? Me, he is a horrible cook
4. Do you like to shop in stores or online? Online!
5. Are you taking a vacation this year? Where? Don't know if we will be able to yet (depends on taxes) but I would like to take a cruise this spring.
Hope you all have a great Monday! I am back to work after a nice 3 week break! Trying to get back into the swing of things!
1. If you had one week off to do anything you wanted (money not a problem) what would you do? Disney World! Yes, I am serious. No, I do not have any children. DH and I love drinking our way around Epcot.
2. What will you be having for lunch today? Working from home today so probably leftovers from dinner last night.
3. Who cooks more at your house you or SO? I LOL'd at this. The only thing my SO knows how to make is rice and popcorn! Me for sure
4. Do you like to shop in stores or online? Both. If it's a store where I'm sure of my size I'll shop online, otherwise in store. I did almost all of my Christmas shopping online because I found great deals.
5. Are you taking a vacation this year? Where? Jamaica! Never been, very excited.
Hope you all have a great Monday! I am back to work after a nice 3 week break! Trying to get back into the swing of things!
1. If you had one week off to do anything you wanted (money not a problem) what would you do? Go to Europe
2. What will you be having for lunch today? Most likely I will only have time to go through a drive-through (have to have b/w done during lunch) so that means either BK or Wendy's, since Mc.D's is too far out of the way
3. Who cooks more at your house you or SO? Me. DH can't even cook rice.
4. Do you like to shop in stores or online? Both. In stores gives me the instant gratification as well as being able to try stuff on. Online = not having that initial shock when they tell you the total. I also Google for promo/coupon codes, so I always get good deals.
5. Are you taking a vacation this year? Where? Nope. I'm hoping I'm KU soon so that will mean that all my vacation time will go towards ensuring I get full pay during half of my maternity leave.
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." -- Dale Carnegie
"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." --Thomas A. Edison
1. If you had one week off to do anything you wanted (money not a problem) what would you do? go to some fabulous tropical resort with DH and do nothing.
2. What will you be having for lunch today? boo - turkey barley soup. i'm not very excited about it.
3. Who cooks more at your house you or SO? me!
4. Do you like to shop in stores or online? i do both but i would say it's about 60/40 online vs in-store.
5. Are you taking a vacation this year? Where? just three or four days to see my parents in arizona in march, but that's not really a vacation, lol. other than that, nothing planned, boo.
1. If you had one week off to do anything you wanted (money not a problem) what would you do? I would go on a much needed vacation with DH.
2. What will you be having for lunch today? I haven't even thought about it, I'm still thinking about what I will be eating for breakfast
3. Who cooks more at your house you or SO? DH does 90% of the cooking in our house.
4. Do you like to shop in stores or online? Stores
5. Are you taking a vacation this year? Where? Not officially. If we do it will probably be Alaska to see my sister in June and her new baby.
::: Married June 2003:::

TTC #1 since: Aug. 2008
Me: 34, DOR, MTHFR-A1298C (heterozygous), decreased blood flow to uterus, Mild Endo
DH: 38, Balanced translocation 5&10, unexplained MFI, normal SA and SCSA
Tx History: IUI 1&2= BFN
IVF# 2: cancelled d/t no response
IVF# 3= 1 egg retrieved=immature/not viable
IVF# 4= c/p
Found DHs BT and Me-decreased blood flow to uterus
Recommended DE IVF w/PGD, incorporate electro-acupuncture. Decided to cycle locally
***New RE***
DE IVF# 1(cycle #6) w/pgd, (freeze all): 30R, 23M, 15F, slow/poor embryo development, 4 biopsied, 1 Normal "Norm"; DE IVF w/PGD, incorporate electro-acupuncture.
IVF# 6: (OE/DS) cancelled
IVF# 7: (OE/DS) 1R, 1M, 1F, arrested day 5
Plan-DE IVF# 2 (cycle #8): DE/DS in May 2015
1. If you had one week off to do anything you wanted (money not a problem) what would you do? Go to Italy.
2. What will you be having for lunch today? I'll be picking up a sandwich from WaWa. I was away all weekend and need to go grocery shopping.
3. Who cooks more at your house you or SO? Me...he doesn't really cook at all.
4. Do you like to shop in stores or online? Depends on what it is. I shop online for a lot of things, but something like shoes I just need to go into a store and try on!
5. Are you taking a vacation this year? Where? Yes, we're going to Walt Disney World. We can't wait...I really need some down time to relax.
7lbs 13oz 20 inches long
2. What will you be having for lunch today? Soup at Hand and a Turkey Sandwich.
3. Who cooks more at your house you or SO? Me usually, but since I tore my Achilles it has mostly been MH. As I've started to heal more, I've been cooking more.
4. Do you like to shop in stores or online? Usually in stores, but again, due to my injury lately it's been online.
5. Are you taking a vacation this year? Where? Yes, we are going to tour the New England area.
After 4 years, 3 failed IUIs and 2 failed IVFs our surprise miracle is here!
My Blog
TTC # 2 BFP 03/02/13 = CP, BFP 05/14/13 = CP, BFP 08/09/13 = CP
RPL testing = normal
TI Cycle #1, 50 clomid days 3-7, 150 iu Follistim days 8-11 = BFP! EDD May 22, 2014
Betas: 13 DPO = 79, 15 DPO = 149, 19 DPO = 788, 22 DPO = 2031
1. If you had one week off to do anything you wanted (money not a problem) what would you do? Go on vacation to Bora Bora w/ DH and stay in a bungalow over the water.
2. What will you be having for lunch today? May be skipping lunch. Just finished a huge breakfast w/ DH.
3. Who cooks more at your house you or SO? Only me
4. Do you like to shop in stores or online? In stores
5. Are you taking a vacation this year? Where? Nothing planned yet. Hoping for a nice long 3 month maternity leave.
Forever our's October 17th 2012
1. If you had one week off to do anything you wanted (money not a problem) what would you do? usually I would pick somewhere tropical and beachy, but I really want to go snowboarding, so I would say a trip out west or to Canada for me and H
2. What will you be having for lunch today? a flatbread sandwich with chicken, artichokes, mozzarella and basil pesto and a strawberry fruit strip
3. Who cooks more at your house you or SO? all me, but I love to cook so it's all good
4. Do you like to shop in stores or online? I love how easy online is, but I like to see things and try them on in stores
5. Are you taking a vacation this year? Where? We're doing short weekend trips. Our longest/biggest trip is renting a beach house for 5 days this summer with my 2 BFF's and their families
After 2+ years and multiple treatment cycles,
including an IVF vacation in Costa Rica/Panama,
IVF #2 brought us our miracle baby!
Surprise! Baby Boy is on the way!
2. What will you be having for lunch today? sandwhich of some sorrt.
3. Who cooks more at your house you or SO? SO when he's home. or BIL!
4. Do you like to shop in stores or online? lately, online as our mall here is crap
5. Are you taking a vacation this year? Where? yes - probably home this year we have a lot going on so I'd rather take a week to 10 days to spend there and visit everyone.
TTC #2 since June '08
~*DD 10.21.07*~
dx unexplained
IUI #1-4 BFN
IVF#1 June 2011 BFN
IVF#2 Dec 2011
Beta#1 12/21 : 812 Beta#2 12/23 : 1634
EDD 8/25
1. If you had one week off to do anything you wanted (money not a problem) what would you do?
Go on vacation with my family!
2. What will you be having for lunch today?
Salad bar again.... Bleh....
3. Who cooks more at your house you or SO?
Definitely me. DH can barely heat a can of soup...
4. Do you like to shop in stores or online?
I prefer to shop in stores, but I have been known to shop online sometimes!
5. Are you taking a vacation this year? Where?
We are going to a wedding in Vegas in February, but that is the only thing planned so far.
TTC since March 2009 // Me and DH - 28
Testing Summer/Fall 2010 - Unexplained IF
IUIs #1-4 ~ Clomid/Ovidrel/TI/IUI ~ all BFNs
IUI #5 ~ Femara/Ovidrel/TI/IUI ~ BFN
IUIs #6-9 ~ Research Study Meds/Pregnyl/TI/IUI ~ all BFNs
IVF Consultation, More Testing
Diagnostic Cycle ~ Mucinex/Progesterone/TI ~ BFN
IVF #1 ~ Menopur/Bravelle/Ganirelix/Novarel/Progesterone/Lupron
7R, 6F // 2 transferred // 3 frosties ~ BFN
FET #1 ~ Estrace/PIO/Lupron
3 thawed // 2 transferred // 1 lost // no more frosties ~ BFP!!
Beta #1 - 456 // Beta #2 - 1176 // Beta #3 - 2933 // Beta #4 - 6753
EDD: May 16, 2013
Bedrest for SCH // 6w2d through 10w1d
Elevated TSH and Lazy Thyroid DX @ 10w - Started Synthroid
Finally released from RE at 13w
~~ My IF Blog ~~
Me: 32 - Stage II Endo / DH: 36 - Low count and morphology (1%)
IUIs 1-3 BFN, lap Dec. 2010, IUIs 4-6 BFN
IVF w/ICSI #1 - ER 2/8: 24R 19M 9F ET 2/13 2-5 day blasts (no frosties) = BFP - b/g twins!
E & C Born 10/19/2012
1. If you had one week off to do anything you wanted (money not a problem) what would you do?
Go someplace warm!!!
2. What will you be having for lunch today?
Not sure yet. Maybe soup and a sandwich?
3. Who cooks more at your house you or SO?
4. Do you like to shop in stores or online?
Both, but more in stores. I like to see and feel things : )
5. Are you taking a vacation this year? Where?
Thinking about Costa Rica.
1. If you had one week off to do anything you wanted (money not a problem) what would you do? go on a vacation with my DH to some place WARM!
2. What will you be having for lunch today? we got McDonalds
3. Who cooks more at your house you or SO? me
4. Do you like to shop in stores or online? both
5. Are you taking a vacation this year? Where? no, nothing is planned right now...if this IVF works we may do a little babymoon...but I doubt I can get DH to go on vacation, away from work, two years in a row
TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs
1. If you had one week off to do anything you wanted (money not a problem) what would you do? Go to a tropical island/beach somewhere
2. What will you be having for lunch today? turkey sandwich and soup
3. Who cooks more at your house you or SO? me
4. Do you like to shop in stores or online? online
5. Are you taking a vacation this year? Where? Not sure other than visit my parents...they live in Boulder, CO which is a fun place to visit. Whatever we do it will need to be CHEAP. Luckily we have lots of Southwest tickets and Hilton Honor points we can use so I will have to see what I can come up with.