Parenting after a Loss

What diapers do you use?

I CD with Jake but Logan wants nothing to do with CD. He cries, no screams bloody murder when he pees in a CD. So I have been using pampers swaddles just because that is what we were given in the hospital. Sold all my CDs on eBay :0( He is about to move up to size 3 & I do not ow if I should switch brands, how did you choose your diapers? Based on price?
Summer 2011
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers ~early M/C 4/09 ~ Ectopic 6/09~ BFP 11/09~

Re: What diapers do you use?

  • When DS moved to size 3s we tried both Pampers Cruisers and Dry Max... both seemed to work the same.  We ended up sticking with dry max, since they are cheaper.

  • I should add that we tried Huggies and Up&Up at a lower size and they didn't work for us, so I didn't both at the higher size.
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  • We alternate between Huggies cruisers and snug and dry.  We have always been happy with them.
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  • We use whatever is in stores that day, Pampers, Huggies, a chinese brand which I actually really like but can only get at one place. I tried to stay away from Pampers because of all the Dry Max drama (I didn't like how they put the blame on the parents instead of acknowledging their product might be flawed) but dh bought a huge case so I guess we're stuck with it for now.
    Marie, wife to Ron, mom to DS
  • We'd tried several 'name brands' because we got so many as gifts. We actually have had the most success, and fewest leaks with Parent's Choice.... and they also seem to actually fit up to the weight they say they will, as opposed to the other ones that she seemed to grow out of about 5lbs before the box said she should!
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  • Target Up&Ups store them!!!

    ETA: Also use Walmart Parent's Choice and they're great too!

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  • imagePurpleK26:
    We'd tried several 'name brands' because we got so many as gifts. We actually have had the most success, and fewest leaks with Parent's Choice.... and they also seem to actually fit up to the weight they say they will, as opposed to the other ones that she seemed to grow out of about 5lbs before the box said she should!

    We had the same problem with the name brands. They seemed to small for her before she reached the weight limit on the box. We use Target brand Up and Up and they work great for us. We buy the Target brand wipes too.

  • imageshall923:

    We'd tried several 'name brands' because we got so many as gifts. We actually have had the most success, and fewest leaks with Parent's Choice.... and they also seem to actually fit up to the weight they say they will, as opposed to the other ones that she seemed to grow out of about 5lbs before the box said she should!

    We had the same problem with the name brands. They seemed to small for her before she reached the weight limit on the box. We use Target brand Up and Up and they work great for us. We buy the Target brand wipes too.

    I love their wipes also!

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  • we use Pampers Cruisers with Dry-max and have never had a leak.  I tried Huggies really early on and was not impressed and I've always been happy with Pampers so I haven't been motivated to switch.
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  • imagePurpleK26:
    We'd tried several 'name brands' because we got so many as gifts. We actually have had the most success, and fewest leaks with Parent's Choice.... and they also seem to actually fit up to the weight they say they will, as opposed to the other ones that she seemed to grow out of about 5lbs before the box said she should!

    I'm super glad to read this, since that is what we just bought today. 

    ***** TTCAL/Forever Buddy to Cour10e******
    -m/c at 11w2d due to partial molar 2008 -m/c #2 2009
    Beautiful daughter born February 2011
    **Ultimate TTCALer 2009**

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  • O's been wearing the Pampers Swaddlers Sensitive. He is ready for size 2-3. Once he's in a 3, I think we'll switch to Cruisers.

    He wears Pampers Baby Dry now at night.

    02/08 BFP resulted in m/c 4/10/08 (11 weeks)
    10/08 Clomid Cycle #1 = m/c 11/7/08 (6 weeks)
    03/09 Clomid Cycle #2 = BFN
    3 rounds of Femara + Ovidrel + IUI =BFN
    10/18/09 2nd Break Cycle (post HSG) before IVF #1 = BFP!

    ? The world thought I had it all, but I was waiting for you. ?
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Labor Buddy to Megjr8
  • WE used Swaddlers until he outgrew them.  Now we use Huggies.
    BFP#1 May 17, 2008
    Surgery for ectopic pregnancy June 3, 2008
    BFP #2 September 25, 2008
    Baby boy born June 4, 2009 at 40 weeks
    8 pounds 13 ounces and 23 inches
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    BFP #3 February 6, 2011
    First U/S February 25, 2011 = TWINS!!!
    Boy/girl twins born October 4, 2011
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We're in Pampers Swaddlers Sensitive. 
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  • At first we used Pampers Swaddlers but now use Huggies
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  • We've been using Target's Up&Up. Their NB size fit DS better than the Pampers NB size - we had a few blowouts with the Pampers the first couple weeks. He has just moved up to size 1 but I wanted to use the last few NBs I had and of course we had our first Up&Up blowout this morning so I guess I have to surrender the NBs and just stick to the size 1s. ;)
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