Parenting after a Loss

Having 2u2 is going to kill our finances

Wow, I'm starting to get a little overwhelmed at the cost of having 2 kids.  Daycare will be going up almost 100% each week, plus we'll need diapers and formula (eventually), clothes, crib, a double stroller....Eesh.  Makes my head spin!
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Re: Having 2u2 is going to kill our finances

  • I know what you mean... I think about finances all the time and as much as I would like to join the 2u2 club, I don't think we could afford it... With me quitting my job and going to grad school, money is definitely tight...
    BFP #1: 10/17/08 EDD: 6/24/09-missed m/c; d&c on 12/8/08 BFP #2: 11/7/09 EDD: 7/15/10-Cabe born on 7/9/10 BFP #3: 10/7/11 EDD: 6/20/12 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker A Butterfly lies beside us like a sunbeam and for a brief moment, its beauty and glory belong to our world. But then it flies on again. And though we wish it could have stayed we feel so lucky to have seen it. In loving memory of MrsTyson's precious Julia.
  • Right there with ya girl.  We will be paying roughly $800/month (as long as my mom keeps coming over once a week), we need another crib/dresser, double stroller, diapers, and eventually we might need formula too (I'm hoping that this kid doesn't decide to give up nursing at 3 months like C did!).  Then of course if you add in the fact that we had to purchase another car (DH drove a 98 avenger, we could barely get 1 carseat in there, 2 was never gonna happen!), we're finishing part of the basement so the kids don't have to share a room, and the eventual big boy/girl carseat, $ really adds up.  Yikes...
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  • I can't imagine how quickly unexpected things would add up.  I'd LOVE to have another now but we can't afford to pay the $1,600 it would cost for 2 kiddos in part time daycare.  Its insane. 
    Prolactinoma, Hypothyroidism, PCOS m/c 8-19-08 @ 9wks 3d
    "And where was I before the day that I first saw your lovely face? Now I see it everyday and I know that I am the luckiest."
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  • imageMrs.KS:
    I can't imagine how quickly unexpected things would add up.  I'd LOVE to have another now but we can't afford to pay the $1,600 it would cost for 2 kiddos in part time daycare.  Its insane. 
    This! Except our daycare would be even more Tongue Tied
  • imageBeckyS1211:
    Right there with ya girl.  We will be paying roughly $800/month (as long as my mom keeps coming over once a week), we need another crib/dresser, double stroller, diapers, and eventually we might need formula too (I'm hoping that this kid doesn't decide to give up nursing at 3 months like C did!).  Then of course if you add in the fact that we had to purchase another car (DH drove a 98 avenger, we could barely get 1 carseat in there, 2 was never gonna happen!), we're finishing part of the basement so the kids don't have to share a room, and the eventual big boy/girl carseat, $ really adds up.  Yikes...

    Yes!  We had to buy a van because my tiny Sebring could barely hold one car seat.  That one hurt, because we moved in with my parents for a year to try to pay off my student loans faster, and instead we ended up in even more debt because we found out we were expecting the weekend we moved and had to buy the van.    

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Photobucket
  • Yup it killed ours, especially when I got laid off at 12wks pg with twins. I did work 3rd shift so we didnt pay daycare with our son. Now having 3 kids there is no way we could afford daycare or have me work. As soon as they start preschool I will look for a new job.

    You just make it work at least that is what we are doing right now. Times are tough now but it will get better soon.

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