DD has been STTN for several months now so last night I knew there was a problem. All day she was a little clingy and then I noticed she was not really eating her real foods, just a bottle. At night, we did our routine of bath, bottle, stories and in the crib and she loves it. Last night wanted nothing to do with her bath, did not finish her bottle and did not want to be read to. She was up hysterical almost every hour. I gave her some Tylenol thinking it was teething related. Then about 2 hours later she was still hysterical. I took her temp and it was almost 102 and that was with Tylenol.
Fast forward to this morning. She woke up in a good mood and played, took about 4 to 5 oz of a bottle. Last time I had given her tylenol was 4 a.m. and I took her temp at 8 a.m. and it was 100.3.
So my question is...could this be teething related or possibly sick? I hate to call pediatrican today if she is not screaming and miserable. But if it is another bad night and she still has a fever tonight, definitely call in the am?
What do you girls think could be going on? Teeth or sickness? She got her bottom 2 in without a problem so not sure what to think.
Re: Should I call pediatrician or wait
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face. -Eleanor Roosevelt
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