OK, so I'm singing its praises before I find out how it works overnight, but I am soooo happy! I saw on Dr. Oz that he recommended Aloe Vera or Aloe Vera juice in water or alone to help with heartburn. I just had some with my water before dinner, had lasagna and salad with greek dressing and NO HEARTBURN! I went from constant awfulness in reaction to whatever I eat or drink to normal! I have to see if i can get through the night without dying, and maybe, just maybe I found a cure. I had to share. It smells so weird but tastes fine, Consult your doctor and good luck!
Re: PSA-Potential Heartburn Cure!
Will do!
If you're unsure if you can take it or not, why not go the safe route and take an approved medication for pregnant women? My doctor told me to take Prilosec, and my heartburn (that had me almost in tears and awake every night for a week) went away the first night I took it.
I understand not wanting to take certain meds during pregnancy, but if it's on the "safe" list, why not just take it? You'll get immediate relief...
Just my opinion...
You're right. I just prefer not to take medication while pregnant. So I wanted to be as natural as possible. And hearing about AV got me al revved up! Maybe my crazy preggo hormones did most of the thinking on this one
I hear ya... I was the same way up until my last doctor's appointment. I had all these aches and pains and things going on, and my doctor and husband were like "take the medicine!!!!" So I listened, and Tylenol, Prilosec, and Benadryl are my new best friends. Just be careful with the natural stuff if there isn't a lot of info on it!