Im 36w1d & a first time mom Since 11:30 lastnight Ive had cramping going on, the pain even went to my butt, I also have a inner leg pain. Its constant not like a BH at all. On a scale from 1-10(10 being really bad) I would say its a 2. I called the nurse line she said not to worry, but if it gets worse come in.
Anyone else had this?
Re: Cramping anyone else had this?
Are they timeable? If they are timeable it could be early labor.
I've had cramping but never timeable. My Dr. said not to really worry as long as there is no bleeding or discharge with it.
My Dr. told me to watch for cramping that is timeable and that you stomach tightness with it. She said these are labor signs.
I had some cramping last week, still a bit this week. I assumed it was normal but it just felt like something wasn't right. I called the nurse line and told her about the cramping and she said its normal and I said, I have heard that but something just doesn't feel right. So she had me come into the office that day-Turns out it was a bladder infection! I have had bladder infections before but usually it's not just cramping. Its usually the classic UTI signs which I had none of, just bad cramps!
I was told by my dr that a lot of pregnant women will get bladder infections and it's not like a normal UTI and usually just causes abdominal cramping and discomfort. Since taking the antibiotics for a few days I have felt better and have more energy!
I would recommend at least bringing it up to your OB. Better safe then sorry!