3rd Trimester

I think I had a contraction?

about 15 minutes ago I got this slight feeling down there like a period cramp (mild) and it grew a little, then I got the senstion that I needed to poop. I sat here thinking to myself, "do I need to go to the bathroom?" Then before I could get up to go try to go #2, the pain went away. I am waiting to see if it returns.... Or see if I end up going #2 sometime today.

I didnt happen to notice if my tummy felt hard while this was going on... It was the weirdest thing. I hope it was not a contraction... DHs worst fear is me going into labor early and having baby in the NICU.

BabyFruit Ticker
Married 1/20/07
DD Born: 2/18/11
LO #2 EDD: 10/16/15

Re: I think I had a contraction?

  • I have been having contractions for about 5 weeks now... they're called Braxton Hicks contractions.  Unless they are PAINFUL, your bleeding, or you have more then 4 an hour, then your perfectly normal and fine! Good Luck.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • That is what I am thinking it was, BH. My OB keeps asking if I have had any so I have been trying to pay attention. I think I may be able to consider that my first one. Kinda exciting, kinda scary at the same time, just another reminder that I am getting closer to my EDD. Big Smile
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Married 1/20/07
    DD Born: 2/18/11
    LO #2 EDD: 10/16/15
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  • Just wait till you have your first one that actually takes your breath away!! It gets scary then! I was having them exactly 15 minutes apart the other day and my doctor said if they start happening 1 minute closer, to come in.  They never did, and they slowed down, but VERY scary.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageVazquezGal:
    That is what I am thinking it was, BH. My OB keeps asking if I have had any so I have been trying to pay attention. I think I may be able to consider that my first one. Kinda exciting, kinda scary at the same time, just another reminder that I am getting closer to my EDD. Big Smile

    Those sound more like real contractions to me.  BH never gave me any pressure like you're describing.  That only came with real contractions and real labor.

    Of course, you can have just one or two real contractions every once and a while that don't go anywhere.  Just keep an eye on things and see if they get time-able and stronger, if it's real labor you'll know.  :)

    PCOS Dx 12.08 / BFP! 4.22.10 DS1 born 1.4.11 DS2 born 6.19.13
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