3rd Trimester

Went to ER last night

My 17 month old daughter fell out of her crib last night, so I went to go get her and when I was leaving her room I knocked the baby gate down in front of her door by tripping on it, then proceeded to trip on it after it had fallen down, in the process I rolled my ankle severely and heard a pop.

I went to the ER last night, and they kept insisting it was a sprained ankle and all was fine, except that my ankle doesn't hurt and it's not whats swollen. My foot hurts like it got ran over with a semi truck, they took xrays but only focused in on my ankle. I am not at home in severe pain. I am pretty positive that my foot is broken so I am going to my regular doctor to get a it checked out today.

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Re: Went to ER last night

  • Oh no, what horrible timing!  I hope it's not broken and that it feels better soon.  Good luck!
    Stephanie Hsu
  • Awwww....thats horrible! Hopefully everything checks out to be okay and just maybe swollen and sore, not broken where you have to have a cast on it. Just keep us updated! Good Luck to you!
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  • My mom got a hairline fracture when she was pregnant with my brother. Pretty miserable time to have a broken bone!! Take care of yourself!!!
  • Aw that is horrible. Hope everything ends up being okay!!!
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  • Yikes!  Foot fractures can be tricky to diagnose.  If possible I would recommend going to see an orthopedist.  Many years ago I dislocated my entire ankle and had two broken bones in my foot but was sent home from the ER after being diagnosed as an sprained ankle!  Luckily I was able to get in to see a great orthopedist and he correctly diagnosed my injury.  Good Luck!
  • Oh no! I hope your Dr can give you some better answers than the ER Drs.
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