3rd Trimester

I have reached a low point. Reflux, exhaustion, depression.

It is 3:30am and I have had about 2 & 1/2 hours of sleep so far tonight.  I was so tired, I feel asleep at 9pm, but woke up soon after due to my horrible horrible reflux.  I guess I am seriously feeling sorry for myself, because I could have a lot of worse things to deal with, but I feel like crap ALL DAY and I'm feeling like I just can't take it anymore.  I work full time and lately have zero energy for my family when I get home - I HATE that.  I feel like my husband and daughter are suffering because of this pregnancy.

 My heartburn basically never goes away, despite the fact that I take 40 mg of Nexium in the morning and a Zantac at night - which is probably more than I should be taking anyway, and it doesn't even help me sleep!  Some mornings I wake up and vomit bile that has been building all night.  I am so tired.  I even take Ambien every 3rd night or so, but all those nights in between are torture.  I have restless legs, too, and I am so tired of sleeping in the guest room or on the couch and away from DH.  All I want to do is lay down flat and get a good night's rest.  I am taking supplements (magnesium) for the RLS and beg DH to rub my calves every night.  None of it helps.  I suppose that is what is so frustrating - I feel like I am really trying to help myself, but there are limits to what a pregnant woman can take and do and none of it is working and I am just feeling so helpless and depressed.  Even though I know it's temporary, it FEELS like a life sentence!  I know that's ridiculous - but I am so sleep deprived and exhausted from work and daily obligations - how on earth will I take care of a new baby???

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Re: I have reached a low point. Reflux, exhaustion, depression.

  • Hi friend, so sorry you're going thru all this! You really do have rough pregnancies :(  You are in the home stretch but I can understand why every day would feel like an eternity when you are feeling so awful. I have no advice other than do not feel like your husband and Stella are suffering. I'm sure your hubby understands and is happy to help you thru this and take on more Stella work. We have had a tough time as well lately and I agree really freaking out about how I will care for a newborn. Emma has been waking up crying at night for a month!! Sometimes shes up for hours. We have tried to let her CIO several times and situations keep stopping us. Ugh its been awful. NOT how I pictured my last month of pregnancy. Its like shes going thru all the regression, seperation anxiety, and fears now instead of after baby is born. Anyways, I really hope things get better for you!!
  • Sorry to hear that you are feeling this way!  I hope that things will start to get better and your pregnancy moves at a quicker pace!
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  • So sorry about all of that! As difficult as it is to endure now, look at that beautiful little girl of yours and tell yourseld that it will all be worth it when she has a little brother or sister to play with.  I also have reflux and vomit bile every morning (but that's been going on longer than pregnancy!).  Hang in there - it will be so worth is when you LO is born!
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  • I feel you!!!! I am not sleeping at night, reflux is terrible, my 2nd LO is waking up all hours of the night because he is cutting his last 2 molars. It is SO hard!

    Anyway, I just wanted you to know you are not alone. Hang in there!!!

  • I hear you hun! I don't have another LO this will be my first. But parts of this pregnancy have been so uncomfortable. My back is bothering me all the time. I had back issues before but now as the baby is growing and more pressure is being put on my back it is not fun. And I get horrible heartburn too. I have been eating tums like their is no tomorrow somedays. It is terrible especially at night time when trying to sleep. Then when my husband is snoring the only way I sleep is by putting headphones on. It is terrible. But in the end I remind myself it will be worth it because I will have my precious LO. And the same goes for you. As hard as it is now just now it will be worth it in the end. And I am sure your husband is very understanding of everything and same with your daughter.

     I hope everything gets better for you in the weeks leading up. And just know like someone else said you are not alone. We are all here for you to support you!

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