3rd Trimester

C-section birth plans

I've assumed I wouldn't have a birth plan since I am having a C-section but maybe I just don't know my choices? Have any of you ladies prepared a birth plan for a C-section, and if so what did you include?

Re: C-section birth plans

  • I am not planning a C-section, but if I were, I would mention things like

    epi or full anesthesia?

    screen lowered so you can see the baby coming out?

    breast-feed in recovery?

    allow partner to hold baby as soon as possible?

    hands free to touch baby during the procedure?


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  • I had a planned c/section with dd1 and didn't write up a birth plan until we were driving to the hospital that morning, and I wrote it on the back of a gas station receipt lol. It said, "one arm free" and "get husband"

    Meaning I didn't want both my arms strapped down (which they granted, but weren't all that happy about) and I have panic disorder so as soon as I had my spinal in I wanted someone to run and get dh because I knew I would start to panic. Well they didn't remember my 2nd request and actually forgot to get dh. They started cutting when someone finally remembered and ran and got him.

    I won't be writing one for this baby. I'll ask to have one arm free again but I actually decided about the thing with dh is that it made me MORE anxious that he wasn't there the second I wanted him there. I'll give them one or two gentle reminders to go get him but I'm not going to try and dwell on  it.

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  • imagehmontty:

    hands free to touch baby during the procedure?


    Because I'm curious, do you mean touch the baby while they are performing surgery?! I can't imagine any hospital allowing that but maybe I'm wrong.... 

  • I am still in 2nd tri but I have already started preparig mine. I got these suggestions from searching online. My last c/section was horrible, so I want this one to go better.


    I __________ the birth mother would like all effort made to accommodate our wishes as a family for the following c-section birth plan.....

    The mother does not want a catheter inserted prior to the spinal being administered

    The mother would prefer to have a spinal, or epidural then a general anesthetic

    The mother wants antibiotics at the time of the c-section to ward of possible infection

    The mother would like to have at least one hand free to be able to touch the baby once the baby is delivered, if needed her spouse can hold down her arm till that time.

    The mother would like to have her spouse and doula present during the delivery.

    the family would like the father to be able to cut the cord after the birth.

    The mother would like the baby with her in recovery

    the mother wants to breast feed and no bottles, nipples, or pacifiers offered to the baby.

    If the baby is sick the mother would like to spend as much time as possible with the baby.

    The only people to hold the baby after delivery are the medical staff and spouse, all others must wait till after the mother has had time to bond with the baby.

    The family wishes to limit visitors to Immediate family only

  • image*sallymad*:

    hands free to touch baby during the procedure?


    Because I'm curious, do you mean touch the baby while they are performing surgery?! I can't imagine any hospital allowing that but maybe I'm wrong.... 

    Probably to hold the baby (with a nurse or DH's help) while still being stitched up. Otherwise some women have to wait an hour or so.

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  • Here was my "Repeat C/S Birth Plan":

    - Catheter inserted AFTER anesthesia.
    During the Procedure
    - Prefer arms to not be strapped down.
    - Allow husband to take photos / videos of the surgery.
    - If possible, I would like to HOLD the baby, not just be near him after he is born.
    - Would like someone to take a family photo of the three of us.
    Newborn Procedures
    - Baby?s blood sugar checked ASAP.
    - Baby to be fed by Similac Alimentum formula ONLY.
    - Baby to be given pacifier supplied by mom or dad ONLY.
    - Would like husband to stay with new baby at all times.
    Post-Op & Recovery
    - Request to be allowed to stand/walk as soon as possible, whenever it is safe.
    - Request to be told what I can do to aid in recovery (example: drink lots of water to urinate enough to be allowed to have catheter removed ASAP).
    - Would like to have all allowed drugs (Tylenol, Advil, Colace, etc) as often/frequently as allowed, without waiting for my request.
    - Would like to have the IV removed ASAP.
    - Would like catheter removed ASAP.

  • Wow, I'm glad I asked. I didn't think they'd allow you to hold or even touch LO until after an hour or so. I am concerned about that because I want to breastfeed so I will definitely write a few things around that. Hearing from those of you that have had bad experiences definitely makes me realize I need to write one now. Thank you!
  • imageazgrlbride:
    Wow, I'm glad I asked. I didn't think they'd allow you to hold or even touch LO until after an hour or so. I am concerned about that because I want to breastfeed so I will definitely write a few things around that. Hearing from those of you that have had bad experiences definitely makes me realize I need to write one now. Thank you!

    Being able to hold him (with hubby's help, since I was lying down still obviously) was the best thing to come out of my birth plan. I was so happy to request my arms were not strapped down so I could hold him.

    Also, I didn't write this birth plan because I had a bad experience with my first c/s. I just wrote it because there were a few things I wanted to make sure of (like that the baby's blood sugar was checked ASAP since my DD had a dangerously low blood sugar that caused her to stop breathing at birth). Other than a couple of things, the rest was just preferences I had if they were possible. I didn't expect that they happened, I just hoped they would.

  • image*sallymad*:

    hands free to touch baby during the procedure?


    Because I'm curious, do you mean touch the baby while they are performing surgery?! I can't imagine any hospital allowing that but maybe I'm wrong.... 

    To be able to touch the baby after it has been delivered and brought over to the mom, while the mom is being stitched up.  This is certainly possible and many hospitals will allow it.

    OP, I am writing up a c/s birth plan.  I realize it may not all be possible but these would be my preferences ideally:

    -Not to have my arms strapped down, or to have one free to touch the baby

    -To have my husband come in with me during the initial prep as well as for the surgery

    -The baby to stay in the OR with us as I am being stitched up and then to come back to recovery with us, instead of being sent to the nursery.

    -I would like to breastfeed as soon as possible

    -I would like my husband to be allowed to take pictures of the baby as soon as it has been delivered. 

    -I would like to have Dermabond instead of staples (this is what I had last time and I healed really well so I figure I would prefer this option again) 

    -Please use hypoallergenic options to clean my skin for the epidural/spinal and for the cesarean (I had an allergic reaction at both of those sites last time to the iodine or something they used)

    -I would like to see the placenta (yes I'm weird)

    -Please let my husband cut the cord 

    That's all I can think of right now.  :)


    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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  • imageazgrlbride:
    Wow, I'm glad I asked. I didn't think they'd allow you to hold or even touch LO until after an hour or so. I am concerned about that because I want to breastfeed so I will definitely write a few things around that. Hearing from those of you that have had bad experiences definitely makes me realize I need to write one now. Thank you!

    I had both arms strapped down and I HATED it.  I felt like a prisoner.  And the way they positioned my arms was really unnatural and made me sore the next day.  So this time I'm definitely requesting at least one be free (if I have a cesarean--I'm planning to try a VBAC).

    But that said, as soon as the surgery was done, they put the baby in my arms and I held her all the way back to my recovery room.  She stayed with me for another hour or two and then went to the nursery for an exam, first bath, etc.  So if everything is healthy with you and the baby, there is no reason you can't hold her as soon as the surgery is done and you feel up to it.


    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

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  • Other than having both my arms strapped down, all of the other things some of the pp's asked for were automatically done with my first DD. I thought most of those were a given. Maybe I will have to write one this time since I am changing hospitals this time.
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  • imageiluvbillynollie:
    Other than having both my arms strapped down, all of the other things some of the pp's asked for were automatically done with my first DD. I thought most of those were a given. Maybe I will have to write one this time since I am changing hospitals this time.

    They should be a given.  But unfortunately that is not the case at some hospitals.  


    Big sister {September 2008} Sweet boy {April 2011} Fuzzy Bundle {ETA July 2014}

    Pregnancy Ticker
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