3rd Trimester

2nd timers, What's on your To-Do list?

I'm getting in nesting / freak-out mode.

I've already sorted newborn clothes, burp cloths and blankets and I'm going to rewash most of them in a couple of weeks.

The house is pretty clean so I basically need to maintain it and I don't really have anything major left to organize.

This is all I've got so far:

 - Buy newborn diapers and some new pacis

 - Set up and wipe down the swing; recharge batteries

 - Move glider back into the living room

 - Get supplies for birth and post-partum care (I'm having another homebirth)

Also, I keep thinking we should do something special with our little girl since she's about to relinquish her only child title. Are you doing anything in particular?

Please share your lists / ideas! Thanks

"If you find a mate in life, you should be loyal. In your case, grateful."
SAHM to two sweet girls, both born at home; Baby #3 in 2013!
BabyFetus Ticker

Re: 2nd timers, What's on your To-Do list?

  • Purchase
    • Birth Kit
    • New breast pump tubing
    • Blinds for the nursery
    • Baby book
    • Gallon size freezer bags
    • Travel wet bag
    • Bedding for nursery bed
    • Batteries for flashlight
    • Batteries for camera
    • Plastic drop cloth/tarp
    • King size mattress protector
    • more fabric baby wipe
    • Bottle of alcohol
    • Bottle of hydrogen peroxide
    • flashlight
    • 2 black trash bags
    • ice packs
    • medium bowl
    • heating pad
    • non-talc powder
    • massage oil
    • 4 extra towels for drying off
    • postpartum pads
    • breast pads
    • Make freezer meals
    • Wash newborn diapers and clothes
    • Clean the house
    • Wash baby blankets/bedding
    • Adjust car seat
    • Rearrange family room
    • Sew more postpartum pads
    • Move guest bed into nursery
    • Prepare the master bed
    • Sanitize baby gear
    • Wash linens - 2 old sheets, 4 heavy towels, 4 wascloths, and 4 cotton receiving blankets
    • Organize linens per midwives' request
    • Clean baby toys
    • Confirm doula
    • Make a to-do list for Adam for labor
    • Move David to Gabe's room
    • File insurance paperwork for new baby
    • Call insurance company about birth
    • File FMLA paperwork
    • Make a plan for the boys during the birth
    • Discuss newborn appointment date with doctor
    • Organize postpartum birth paperwork
  • Click on the mouse button in my siggy ... I just wrote a blog entry about this.  lol.  
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    The Mouse ~ 06.12.08 | The Froggy ~ 02.23.11

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  • Clean the carpets

    get a new toilet ( one in our master bath is not working right)

    touch up paint on baseboards and doors

    Stock up on freezer meals

    stock up on snacks

    buy some more boy newborn clothes

    get DD a toddler bed

    To make DD feel special we are getting her a present from the baby.  I think maybe a My Little Pony toy becaus she is really into those things right  now.  I am the oldest of 7 and my parents would get us kids a present when they had my younger siblings ( well #4 on down).  I also thought it  was a nice thing to do.  We are also going to sign her up for a Big Sister class at the hospital. 

    I am sure there is more but that is all I can think of right now.


  • Wow, nice list AW! It definitely gave me some ideas.
    "If you find a mate in life, you should be loyal. In your case, grateful."
    SAHM to two sweet girls, both born at home; Baby #3 in 2013!
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Ugh I don't even know! I have a mental list but I haven't written it down because it'll scare me lol I feel so unprepared! But you ladies definitely reminded me of a few things!
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  • imageDesignsOnYou:
    Wow, nice list AW! It definitely gave me some ideas.

    Thanks!  This is my first homebirth and I have no idea what all needs to get done.  I feel like some of my list may be overkill, but I function much better when things are hyperorganized.

  • I'm ignoring a lot of my to-do list until I finish working next week. But we still have to buy a car that will fit all 5 of us! And I'm hoping to update my resume before the babies are born -- it would be so much easier to do now than a few years down the road when I can't remember my old work life.

    For my DS, I have a present for him from the babies, and I'm hoping to have a birthday cake when we get home from the hospital. I really hope we can make this transition special for him. This morning he saw a mom with a baby and told her "I have two babies!" -- so I do think he's starting to understand what's happening.

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  • I have been working on our to do list like a mad lady this week. I have sorted through DS's clothes into "keep for the memories", save for baby girl in blue, sell, or try to sell, give away to a cousin having a boy, and give to good will. I hope to give, sell, and mail all next week so that I only have clothes in the house that we want.

    This weekend we are prepping DS's room... it's getting paint and a window treatment so then he can be moved in (with crib) anytime. 

    Once that is done we need to:

    *sort through and wash girl clothing (and buy a lot!)

    *get carseat back from my brother, and get swing from my SIL

    *wash boppy and cover (maybe get a new one?)


    I think that's it. I am sure that Ill also wash the cradle bedding and baby towels. I want to add some girlie touches to the nursery too. 



    *Oh yes and freezer meals. That can wait for now, but I hope to make LOTS and be well stocked for all meals. 

    I love the idea of having a birthday cake for the baby with the older child involved. Great idea! We are getting DS a gift from his sister... well actually we had an extra Xmas gift, so he is getting a new tent from his sister. And something special.... a stuffed animal maybe b/c he loves stuffed animals and I know he would like getting a new one from his sister.

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    I love these two beautiful children!
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  • I've been doing things slowly for the past few months since we had birthdays and hosted a couple holiday parties.

    I've pulled all the gender neutral clothes and sleepers out of the boys' clothes and washed them, washed the swing and carseat covers, purchased a baby bath tub, purchased and prepped cloth diapers, purchased and washed newborn clothes, packed our hospital bags, typed up instructions on the boys' care and organized closets, etc.

    I just need to bring the swing up from the basement and assemble it and try to keep up with laundry and maintaining the house.  I need to get a few more cloth diapers and prep them, but I'm waiting to see which kind I prefer for DD and stock up on those.  We'll be doing disposables for the first few weeks anyway.

    Oh!  And I want to get each of my boys a gift "from their sister."

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