Is this pregnancy hormones?! I think not!
I barely sleep! and when I do it's for an hour or 2 at a time.
My Husband stays up all hours of the night watching TV or playing some game with a friend that moved out of state. (normally this doesn't bother me) But now he comes to bed and turns the TV on and it wakes me up. Does he turn it off after I make a comment? no, he turns the volume down.
I woke up early as usual and a friend came and got me to go see another friend who just had her baby. I get home (11 AM) and he's still in bed!!!!! Now it's noon, I'm starving and we had plans to go get lunch together so I'm sitting here waiting. I tried to wake him up and get the grumpy "UGH" and just left the room.
Oh and not to mention I'm on moderate bedrest but because he's still in bed guess who gets to take the dog out?! When it's later in the day and he's awake and I ask him to take the dog out I get a "Humph, I guess so." and he'll do it reluctantly and quickly! We live in an apartment so the poor dog needs to get out and run for a second. not a quick trip outside to pee and back in!
There's so much more but I just had to get that all out before I scream!
Re: Husband vent!
Does he have a job? How in the heck is he sleeping all day and up all night? Do you only have one tv in the beddroom? why the heck can he watch tv in the living room or den or whatever you have?
I'm sorrt, I'd be really annoyed. My dh knows how valuable my sleep is and would never do that to me. Your dh is being really insensitive.
sorry he's been a douchecanoe.
Good luck when he wants to sleep and a crying newborn needs his attention.
I think men are just being stupid! Mine was/is being an ass. You can see my post in the FFFC. augh.
Maybe its man PMS??
He turns on the TV when you are trying to sleep? IS there only one TV? Yeah that needs to stop. Tell him he needs to knock that crap off
If I were you I go back to the bedroom, turn on the lights, turn on the TV, open the blinds and tell him it's time to go get some lunch.
Take a deep breath. It seems that what you need to do is to sit down with him and explain, calmly (and not in the moment) what extra help you need right now, and why the TV situation is not optimal. I am sure he's not doing this to piss you off or to be inconsiderate, but sometimes people can't see past the moment, and he's probably left scratching his head why you seem huffy.
This too will pass, and once you make it more clear that things have changed a bit and how he can help more, things will get better.
Sorry your not having any luck w/ the DH. I've kinda had the same thing happen to me, Ive been asking him to help me clean the house, he always says yes but then goes to bed, it drives me crazy!
He had this week off to burn up some old Vaca time he had to use. He says that's why he's been staying up late all week. We have another TV in the front room but because I made it known I was annoyed with him coming to bed at 4 am, I guess he figures by coming to bed and watching TV that means he's in bed???
The past few days (which have all been the same with the sleeping till noon) I normally start banging dishes, doing laundry, vacuuming, doing anything loud I possibly can. But he sleeps right through it... i wish I could get 4 hours of that kind of sleep!!! I'd be in heaven!!!
AHHHHHH! That just reminded me that I asked him before I left to empty the GD dishwasher by the time I got home!!!!! of course that didn't happen!!!!
I just think this in general about the whole thing, but that could be my hormones talking.
I understand that you are a bit annoyed with him and he is being inconsiderate, but you need to chill out a bit! My husband works hard, and if he wants to stay up late and sleep in a bit before the baby gets here that is fine with me! Its his vacation time he is using up, let him enjoy it a bit! Why don't you go lay down with him and take advantage of being able to get some extra sleep before LO gets here?
Love that!!
And sorry he is being like this! I would def. say something to him about it!
Haha! douchecanoe!