I just want to know that I am not the only one!
I went basically once a week from Feb.-October. So that was through my IVF, lap, and FET. I liked it, but I did not enjoy the $70 a pop price tag. And to top it off I always ended up spending extra on "special" vitamins and oils, etc. I alwyas felt like a failure too because something was always off and my pulses were never "right," and what have you.
So I have not been back since October. I figured I pent so much money and had nothing to show for it. But now of course the crazy infertile in me is coming out and I feel like I should go again for my DE cycle. But I don't want to!
Make me feel better about being a quitter-anyone else stop acupuncture too?
Re: Is anyone else an Acupuncture Quitter?
I'm going to be soon! And just like you, I've been going for a year (started Jan of last year) and it is $70 OOP. I also haven't seen a *ton* of changes (except for clear skin), but I also?attribute?that to eating well and cutting out alcohol and caffeine. Personally...I am just going to keep working out (for blood flow) and eating lots of greens and staying away from sugar (except for my eclair last night!).
8/10 = Lap to remove Endo
2 Femara TI, 3 Follistim IUI = BFN & 1 c/p
IVF #1 - BFP - boy/girl Twins!
Ben and Reese born at 34w2d!
Started TTC 05.08
Me: Stage II endo, borderline high FSH
DH: perfect
1 lap, 5 IUIs = 4 BFNs and 1 c/p
2 IVFs, 2 FETs = 1 BFN, 1 c/p, 1 ectopic and finally a sticky BFP in May 2011!
1 FET in Aug 2013 = BFP!
7lbs 13oz 20 inches long
So glad there are others:)
And we are OOP for everything IF as well besides testing. So, when I added up how much I had also spent at Acupuncture too it made me sick!
Your responses are always welcome! Thank You, and congrats on your little girl!
TTC since July 2008
IUI 1,2,3 BFN
IVF #1 C/P, FET 1,2,3 BFN
it's a girl!!
I am, I am! Although I wasnt much of a starter to begin with (only went 3 times). I felt more stressed than I should have... worried about the money, bored laying still for 30 minutes, etc. and my acu made me feel kinda bad about myself for doing things like using non-stick pans, and painting my nails.... it just wasn't for me.
My RE said I could go as long as it didnt stress me out. I think if the financial part is going to stress you, it's not worth it!
Thinking of you, girly!!
TTC since August 2008
IVF#1: BFFN; IVF#2: BFN; FET with new RE: BFN
IVF#3: ER 1/15; ET 1/20; Beta#1 1/29: 339!
Twins girls born via c/s at 37w/3d!!
"Let it go, this too shall pass."
ME!!! I went to two different ones for about 5-6 months. I left the first one because she kept sticking me in the same places each time. Just didn't se'em like that is how it's supposed to go.
I switched back to my old one and I really love him. I feel like he helped with a lot of non-fertile issues but the price tag at $70 a pop $240 a month was just too much. If I were seeing LOTS of changes in that time I could justifiy the expense. Of course the accu guy wants me to come back but he doesn't work on pricing with me so it comes down to the fact that although he acts caring while I'm there....he only cares about getting paid. Oh well.
I always think I want to do it, but never did. I don't think I will. My insurance pays for 3, then just my copay, but the place next to my RE's office makes you submit the claims and thay would just stress me out, it's super expensive otherwise, like over $100 an appt. And you know my RE never even mentioned it. They just have the flyers. My nurse just shrugged her shoulders when I asked if I should do it.
So not going to bother.
TTC since 2007
6 IUIs, 3 IVFs, and 2 m/c :< PCOS, Blood Clotting Disorder & MFI
IVF #2 Aug 2011 is a BFN:<
IVF #3 March 2012 is a BFN
Not sure what to do now. Sad and lost.
Blythe Elizabeth is here March 27,2012