3rd Trimester


Hi All, im interested to hear if you have secured child care for when you go back to work? I am planning to take 8 weeks off and then go back to work in May and was feeling like I'd better get this in line but most in home providers are telling me they are unsure what May will look like so to call back in April. I am worried I will be struggling at that point..

Second time moms I would love to hear how you were able to secure a day care provider- once the baby was born or did you have it lined up months in advance?


Re: childcare

  • We are not sure yet if I am going back to work yet. I would have to re-apply for my job after maternity leave. I don't think I'll have any problems getting it back though. Currently though, DH and I only have 1 car. It works out for the time being b/c DH works very close to home and he walks to work and I take the car. DH is looking for a higher paying job and if he gets one, then he takes the car and I can't work. His dad is an owner in a newish company that semi just started. DH will defiantly be brought in, as of right now, that would not be until a little later in the year. When that happens, we will have to move to North Carolina and DH would be paid so much that I don't have to work. So that is scenario #2. If nothing changes and I do go back to work then we are going to have help from DH's grandparents watching LO. Do you have any family that doesn't work that could help you? I only trust family at this point with LO.
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  • I am currently interviewing several daycare providers and we hope to make a final decision in the next few weeks.  Definitely very soon after LO is born at the absolute latest.  I wouldn't want the stress of worrying if I could find a spot so soon before returning to work, I'd rather just put down a deposit and reserve a spot now.  Good luck!
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  • With DD I locked in my daycare when I was 12 weeks pregnant.  Around here in-home daycare infant spots fill very fast.  They only allowed 2 under 2 and a total of 8 kids.  Before DD turned two I had told my daycare provider that we were planning on having another so she would reserve the opening for this one.

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  • Depending on where you live, some daycares have a 9mo-1yr waiting list.  At first I was thinking about going back to work sooner so I started looking into the best daycares in my area even before I was pregnant so I could see what kind of waiting list they had. Most (the good ones) were about 6 months, 1 was 9 months, and 1 was not even accepting new babies.  So it was good to know the dynamics.

    Now I have decided to stay home the 1st year and will probably use hourly care (which is provided by some daycares)  when I need it. 

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