My doctor called last night and told me my chance of the baby having Downs Syndrome is 1 in 33--with my age it should be closer to 1 in 300. He wanted DH and I to go see the genetic counselor this morning to get more information which we did.
The lady was really nice and said the chance of having a healthy baby is 97% (sounds so much better to me than that 1 in 33 for some reason) and there are two tests we can do to find out for sure. We know that we won't terminate but still want to know to be prepared for the worst. The first could be performed now and has a 1 in 200 chance of miscarriage and the second, the amnio, could be performed at 16 weeks and that only has a 1 in 400 chance of miscarriage.
So we decided to go with the amnio. I'm nervous, hoping for the best, and just want things to be ok. So many things have been rushing through our heads since last night.
Has anyone else had an experience with any of this?
Re: Received the dreaded call from my doctor (re: the NT results)
HUGS. I am so sorry that you are going through this!
Since you have already stated that you know that you will not terminate you may want to discuss with your doctor holding off on the amnio until after 26 weeks (viability) just in case it causes your water to break. I know the amnio is a relatively low risk procedure, but only you and your husband can decide how much risk you are willing to take.
Thanks for that. I didn't know my water breaking was a risk--I will definitely discuss it with him.
I'm so sorry!! I don't have any personal experience but know this causes stress for so many. I do remember a lot of ladies on the bump posting very similar stories when I was pregnant and they all turned out ok.
Even though it sounds scary, look at the have a 97% chance of having a normal and healthy baby. I am not sure which procedure I would go with but I am wishing you the best in whatever you decide. Hugs!!
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this. I can imagine you're feeling sad, confused and concerned.
I've not been through it, so I can't offer up a course of action or any anecdotes, but I do read a blogger who has a daughter with DS. Her post about giving birth and realizing her daughter had it is one of the most moving, heart-wrenching pieces I've ever read, and she's my hero for how she's taken it all in stride. It may be too early for that since your chances are still just small chances, but if you'd like to read it, I'd be happy to send it your way.
oh honey - hugs!
I will be thinking about your guys and hoping for the best for you all!
I'm so sorry to hear you have to go through this. I don't have experience with this exactly, but want to wish you the best. Your chances are still great of the baby not having Down's, so that is hopefully encouraging, until you can find out for sure.
I'm so sorry that you have to go through this, but I would definitely focus on the 97% figure. I would also get all your options in terms of the amnio since like pp said I would definitely want to wait until later on in the pregnancy if possible.
I also second FIA's love of that's amazing.
::hugs:: Hoping for the best for you and your LO.
Someone's getting a little brother!
So sorry you guys are going through this, I imagine your heads are spinning. One of my good friends is going through something horrible right now with her pregnancy, she had an amnio and thorugh her research (extensive) she found that the risks durign an amnio are much lower, esp. as the experience level of the doctor goes up.
Best of luck
BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w
BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w
BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
BFP#4: 07/12, M/C 5w3d
BFP#5: 12/12, EDD 08/18/13
My Blog: Decorate This
I am sorry you are going through this, but it is better to find out sooner rather than later so you can be prepared. From the info you provided, the percentages are still on your side.
I went through something similar with my pregnancy. My NT results came back right at the cut-off for my age so we opted to have an amnio. I was very scared, but the thought of the procedure is so much worse that the actual procedure. It feels like a bee sting and then pressure. Afterward you have menstrual like cramps for the day and I was asked to take it easy. They use a sonogram to figure out where the baby isn't and then they insert a needle in that space. It is such a small puncture that they make, your body will replace the fluid and the punture in the placental wall. We had our amnio and genetic counseling done at St. Joeseph's Perinatal Center. The risk of misscarriage is less than with the CVS procedure and goes down with the experince of the doctor. I highly reccomend St. Joeseph's, they helped make our experience better. Let me know if you have more questions.
This is a hard thing to deal with. All in all, your chances are pretty good that the baby is ok. It all depends on how soon you want to know. If the waiting will kill you, go with the CVS, just make sure you have a very experienced Dr. I have had both and cannot say that one was more painful/traumatic than the other. Good luck.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I do give myself Lovenox injections twice a day so I'm hoping the needle won't be such a huge shock for me. I just don't want to see it! My doctor be actually be the one performing the procedure and I trust him 100% which makes me feel more at ease.
I'm so sorry you guys are dealing with this. FWIW, I agree with PP's suggestions about the amnio. And just think - if the doctor had called to tell you that you had a 32/33 chance of something being wrong you'd be scared to death and pretty well convinced that it was going to happen...and this is your chance of having a perfectly healthy baby!! I know these are just mind games, though, and won't keep you from worrying. If anything at all is wrong, you will have so much support - and so much inspiration blogs like the one that FIA mentioned.
BFP#2 1/12/12 ~ Missed M/C 8w2d
... every single day of forever.
I am so sorry to hear that you received bad news! It's so hard to not to worry during a pregnancy. Like other's have mentioned, I hope that you get some better news soon.
Unfortunately, I don't have experience with CVS or amnio testing, but I do have a 15 year-old sister with Downs- who is an extremely healthy girl. In fact, she has been one of the biggest influences in my life. As well, my mom (a NICU nurse) has helped counsel many new moms to babies with Downs (she has gone in on her days off to talk to moms) and if you are interested in talking to her for more info, I'd be happy to send you her contact information. Lots of T&Ps for you and your family during this difficult time.
BFP#1 missed mc on 7/14/10 at 10 weeks
Happy Birthday, little man. We love you so much!
My favorite money saving tip: I've earned more than $300 in gift cards (Amazon, Starbucks, Southwest!) using SwagBucks for internet searching - and you can too! It's FREE and EASY!
I am so sorry.
We did have our NT Scan and genetic counseling done through GBMC and I thought they were fabulous in explaining everything to me. I would research the amnio a bit more, because it can cause complications leading to labor.
I will keep you in my prayers.
miscarriage on 11/26/09 at 5w6d
TTC Since 10/08 4 IUIs=BFNx4
IVF#1=BFP!! Twins!!
Bradley and Billy born and lost on 2/2/11 at 19w2d due to pPROM/PTL. I miss you, little angels.
IVF#3=c/p IVF#4=Empty Follicle Syndrome; 1 mature, fertilized, & made it to blast. 5dt of "the lone ranger" on 9/6. Please stick, little one!
I'm so sorry that you're going through this. I recently went through something slightly similar. At my 10 week scan my babys nuchal fold measured 3.6 they also took my blood to check my hCG level. My fianc? and I both have a family history of members with down's so they were concerned anyway.During the scan the doctor noted that the size of the neck really worried him, he asked me if I wanted to go through with a CVS or an amnio. Since the risk of miscarriage was so high with a CVS I decided against it and instead went with the amnio.
My blood work came back fine but because of the size of his neck they raised my risk from 1:1487 to 1:126 (the same risk as a 39-41 year old woman!). Needless to say I was so stressed out. I'm 25 and this is my first child so all of this is a growing/learning experience.
My amnio took place on Friday. The technician was really nice and understanding. It was slightly painful, mostly uncomfortable but I did the amnio for peace of mind. If my son had down's I would still keep him. My preliminary results came back normal, I'm waiting for my final results to celebrate. You will be fine, and so will your baby. Think positive thoughts. Read to your baby, play music and ignore the risks.
Thank you very much. And just for your information, the genetic counselor we met with said she has never known the FISH results (or the early ones) to be wrong so it looks like you're in the clear. That is wonderful! My amnio is next Monday, I wish it were today so we can just know.
Just an update, my results came back fine. 46 chromosomes in all. I wish the same for you.