
Big Weight Loss Milestone AW

My goal with my dietitian was to be under 300 pounds by my appointment with the RE on Monday. I weighed myself today and I was 299.6! I know a lot of girls on here will probably be shocked by how high that number is, but I don't give a crap. I am so excited that I actually met my goal, and with a few days to spare! I seriously did the happy dance right there on my scale. Off to update my weight loss ticker!

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Re: Big Weight Loss Milestone AW

  • Wow! That's fantastic! Keep up the good work!


    TTC #1 since June 2008 *SAIFW*

    TI, IUIs, IVF = c/ps and BFNs

  • Good job!
    Our Blog -
    Dx PCOS 2003/high fasting insulin/clotting issues DH Dx with low sperm count, motility and morphology. Varicocele repair (11/1/2010)
    2/2011 - Confirmed no improvement - On to Donor Sperm
    4 failed IUIs in 2010
    IUI#5 and 6- with DS, BFN
    Final IUI - Lucky #7! IUI with DS - 20.Jun.2011 - 21.5 mil motile! Not so lucky - BFFN and the end of our IF journey....
    Waiting for our family to be complete through Adoption - May 2012 - Hoping our baby finds us soon!
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  • What a fantastic milestone!!  I am so happy for you and so proud of you!!  You inspire me to lose weight as well this year!!
    SAIF and PAIF Always Welcome
    07/14/97 - Stillborn twins at 22 weeks
    12/20/99 - Miscarriage #1 - 11 wks 4 days laproscopic surgery due to rupture of tube
    07/01/01 - Divorced
    05/30/09 - Re-married to a wonderful man!
    11/11/09 - Miscarriage #2 - 10 wks 3 days, D&C
    Dx: Unexplained
    07/30/10 - 10/19/10 - IUI #1 - IUI #4 clomid cd2-6 + premarin cd7-13 + HCG Trigger=BFFN's
    11/10/10 - IVF #1 Start stims ER#1 11/22, ER #2 11/24, ET 11/29=BFFN
    03/14/11 - IVF #2 start stims, ER-03/26/11, ET-03/31/11, beta 04/08/11 = BFFN
    05/16/11 - Hail Mary Cycle - Inj+TI =BFP!! 06/08/11 Beta #1 71.8, 06/10/11 Beta #2 201, U/S 6/20-1 sac. U/S 6/28 sac and hb of 118!!
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • From one plus size beauty to another, congrats!  I am right there with you, sister, and I TOTALLY get it!!

    TTC since March 2009 // Me and DH - 28
    Testing Summer/Fall 2010 - Unexplained IF
    IUIs #1-4 ~ Clomid/Ovidrel/TI/IUI ~ all BFNs
    IUI #5 ~ Femara/Ovidrel/TI/IUI ~ BFN
    IUIs #6-9 ~ Research Study Meds/Pregnyl/TI/IUI ~ all BFNs
    IVF Consultation, More Testing
    Diagnostic Cycle ~ Mucinex/Progesterone/TI ~ BFN
    IVF #1 ~ Menopur/Bravelle/Ganirelix/Novarel/Progesterone/Lupron
    7R, 6F // 2 transferred // 3 frosties ~ BFN
    FET #1 ~ Estrace/PIO/Lupron
    3 thawed // 2 transferred // 1 lost // no more frosties ~ BFP!!
    Beta #1 - 456 // Beta #2 - 1176 // Beta #3 - 2933 // Beta #4 - 6753
    EDD: May 16, 2013
    Threatened MC at 6w2d
    Bedrest for SCH // 6w2d through 10w1d
    Elevated TSH and Lazy Thyroid DX @ 10w - Started Synthroid
    Finally released from RE at 13w
    Charles Everett ~ Born 5/20/2013

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    ~~ My IF Blog ~~ 

  • That is awesome!!!!!!!

    Keep up the good work!


    TTC #2 since June '08

    ~*DD 10.21.07*~

    dx unexplained

    IUI #1-4 BFN

    IVF#1 June 2011 BFN

    IVF#2 Dec 2011

    Beta#1 12/21 : 812 Beta#2 12/23 : 1634

    EDD 8/25


  • Way to go!  Keep up the good work!
    Diagnosis: DOR and MFI-low everything IVF #1 = triplets! 2 girls and a boy! Born Sept 29, 2011 at 32w6d due to Pre-e and HELLP syndrome Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • That's awesome!!!! Congratulations!!!!

    TTC #1 Off of HBC December 09 Dx PCOS, no ovulation, HSG + SIS normal 9/4: 100 mg clomid + ovidrel trigger: BFN 10/15: Gonal-f (75 IU, 112.5 IU, 150 IU) + ovidrel trigger + IUI: BFN 11/15: Gonal-f (112.5 IU) + ovidrel trigger + IUI: BFN 12/17: Gonal-f (112.5 IU, 150 IU): cycle canceled due to no response IVF #1: 1/18 start BCP, 2/1 start Lupron, 2/10 start stimming, 2/20 ER, 2/15 ET, 3/6 beta 1: 216, 3/8 beta 2: 420 *saifw*

  • That's awesome!!!! Congratulations:)
    TTC 12/2009
    Me: 32 - Stage II Endo / DH: 36 - Low count and morphology (1%)
    IUIs 1-3 BFN, lap Dec. 2010, IUIs 4-6 BFN
    IVF w/ICSI #1 - ER 2/8: 24R 19M 9F ET 2/13 2-5 day blasts (no frosties) = BFP - b/g twins!
    E & C Born 10/19/2012
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • That's fantastic !!! Great job !

    If you don't mind me asking, how long did it take you and what did you do to lose the weight (any specific diet or just portion control & lots of cardio)?

    If this IVF doesn't work, I'm going to take a few months off to lose some weight. If it does work, I'll be looking for ideas on how to drop the lbs. in appx 9 months.

    "Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." -- Dale Carnegie
    "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." --Thomas A. Edison
  • That's awesome : ) Good for you!!!!!!
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  • That is fantastic!  Congrats on meeting your goal!  Don't worry about what other people think -- it just shows us how driven you are with doing anything to can to help with getting that sticky BFP!  Wonderful!
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  • That's great! Congrats on meeting your goal!

    After 2 1/2 years TTC, 3 IUI's, endo, and a lap, a surprise BFP brought us Alexandra Marie!
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

    Being PCOS, I totally understand what a big deal it is!!  What are you doing?  Please share

    image TTC with PCOS since Feb. 07. Currently on a break to save $$ for IUI. Searching for My Mini M&M
  • Congratulations!  This is great news!
    TTC with DOR, low morphology, fertilization issues
    IVF#1 Oct 2009 (CCRM) - BFN
    IVF#2 March 2010 - Poor response/cancelled
    DE IVF#1 Aug 2010 - BFN
    DE IVF#2 Dec 2010 - Transferred 1, 2 frozen - BFP!
    TTC#2 FET Jan 2013 - Transferred 1 - BFP!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Wahoo!!!!  Yay that is awesome news!  Congrats!!!!  Keep up the good work, you are doing an awesome job!
    TTC since 8/2004
    Me - DX Hashimoto's Disease, Hypothyroid, Rheumatoid Arthritis
    DH - DX Azoospermia - Sertoli Cell Syndrome
    DS-IUI #1-4 BFN IVF #1 - BFP! It's a boy!!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Congrats!  That's an amazing accomplishment!

    FWIW, I don't think the # matters as much as the fact that you're moving in the right direction.  I hope your RE is as excited about your milestone as we are!

    IVF #3 = Feb 2012
    beta#1 3/21 (14dp3dt)=413, beta#2 3/23 (16dp3dt)=785, u/s 4/11
    EDD 11/25/12
    **SAIFW** Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • congratulations!!!
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  • that's fantastic!! what an accomplishment!!
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  • I love your attitude, and I'm so proud of you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy hugs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • That's awesome!  Great work!!
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  • That is awesome!!!  Keep up the good work!!
    Jennifer TTC #1 Dx PCOS 2009 Apr, Aug, and Sept tried clomid cycles.... BFN. Oct...DH SA results were normal. Me...HSG - left tube was clear, right tube was slightly blocked. Dec - Clomid #4 200mg Feb 2010 - IUI #1 200mg Clomid = BFN. June 2010 - IUI #2 200mg Clomid = BFN. March 2011 - IUI #3 w/ injectables = BFN (1st & last with RE, moving on to IVF). July 2011 - consult for IVF. Sept 2011, 1st IVF. Got our BFP on 10/2/11. Became a mom on 5/5/12 to a beautiful baby boy! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • Great job cutie!!
    Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles, It empties today of its strength. ~Corrie ten Boom
    Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow. ~Mary Anne Radmacher (thank you beadinglady)

    It's been a long journey. TTC since 9/06. multiple IUI's and IVF's and 4 m/c's. IVF#3 = BFP, twins, induced at 34w6d due to baby b passing away (no explanation). Delivered on 35w1d, Baby A - baby girl, and Baby B - baby boy, our little angel.
    MTHFR A1298C & C677T, Immune Issues and Factor II
  • Wow that is so awesome I wish I could loose 45lbs I keep teeter totering on 10lbs
  • Congratulations, hon!!! That is really great. I'm so happy for you!!!
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  • That's awesome!  Keep up the great work!
    TTC since 2008 dx PCOS & MFI
    Clomid/Femara no "O"
    IVF #1 BFN
    FET #1 cancelled for biopsy
    FET #1.2 c/p, July 2012 c/p
    IUI #1 & 1.2 canceled
    IVF #2 ER 12/1, Freeze all due to OHSS
    FET #2.1 cancelled due to DVT risk, FET #2.2 Jan 2013
    my blog
  • Yay you!! Phenomenal job! Take yourself for a mani/pedi or something to celebrate!!
    Married September 2005 - TEAM PINK x2 this time around :)

    Pregnancy Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • That is awesome, lady! I am so impressed with your dedication, and you should be so proud of yourself!

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  • that is a huge acheivement.  keep up the good work.

    **SAIF always welcome.**
    After 2+ years, 3 losses, 3 surgeries, 2 IVFs and 1 FET our little girl is here.
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    my read shelf:
    Lauren (babystinkbreath)'s book recommendations, favorite quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read shelf)
    Read in 2011: 56/55
    Read in 2012: 31/30
    Read in 2013: 1/25
    Follow Me on Pinterest

  • You go girl! You should be AW'ing that!!! Congrats Geeked
  • That is FABULOUS news!!!!!  So proud of you!!!!!
    TTC #1 Since 11/08 - Dx: MFI & PCOS
    7 IUIs = All BFNs
    2011: March IVF #1.2 = e/p @ 6w: May IVF #2 = BFN: July sFET #1 = BFN

    2012: Jan We're Certified FC/A Parents
    May IVF #3 = c/p
    June-Nov Foster Mommy to M (Toddler)
    July FET #2 = BFN
    Aug FET #3 = BFN
    Sept-Nov Foster Mommy to Baby Bella (Newborn)
    Nov HSG/Sono = Clear!
    Dec FET #4 = BFN

    2013: Feb FET #5 = m/c @ 6.5w
    May-July Foster Mom to H (8 yr old girl)
    June/July/Aug IVF #4 = Freeze All
    July = Unofficially Adopting T (10 yr old boy)
    Sept FET #6 = TBD
    **PAIF/SAIF Welcome**
  • Congratulations sweetie!
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  • That is an awesome accomplishment!  Keep up the good work!
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  • Congratulations!!! What a big accomplishment!
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  • (ticker warning)


    I'm so happy for you, hon! You are doing a fantastic job. Keep it up, and you will be at your ultimate goal in no time. The important thing is to keep setting those mini goals, and CELEBRATE when you reach each one. Awesome work, hon! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • That is FANTASTIC!!! Congrats!
    TTC since 8/09
    8/10 = Lap to remove Endo

    2 Femara TI, 3 Follistim IUI = BFN & 1 c/p
    IVF #1 - BFP - boy/girl Twins!

    Ben and Reese born at 34w2d!
  • Chrissy that is fantastic! Keep it up - your goal is getting closer & closer! YAY!
  • Congratulations!!! That is awesome.  Keep up the good work!!
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  • congrats! that is such great news!
    ::PAIF/SAIF Welcome::

    TTC since July 2008
    IUI 1,2,3 BFN
    IVF #1 C/P, FET 1,2,3 BFN
    IVF#2 BFP

    it's a girl!!

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • So proud of you, C!!!!!!!! You have done an amazing's so hard to get through the holidays.....Yay for you :)
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  • congrats hon! That's awesome!
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