It seems as soon as I hit my thrid trimester mark, my baby seemed to of dropped! He is now kicking me in my pelvic area, near my vagina, is this normal?
There isn't a lot of space between your baby's location to your vagina, so yeah it is possible.
How far a long are you? (you have no ticker...) Has your doctor said if your baby is breech? Depending on how far along you are there is still time for baby to flip if he is breach.
I've carried mine low the whole time. He's been head down for 6+ weeks now, but I have never been kicked in the ribs like a lot of women complain about. I do however get headbutted in the bladder and cervix frequently. At my u/s last week we couldn't get a shot of his face because he was nuzzled into my left hip. Poor kid is probably going to come out pretty bruised up from it.
Re: Is the baby too low?
There isn't a lot of space between your baby's location to your vagina, so yeah it is possible.
How far a long are you? (you have no ticker...) Has your doctor said if your baby is breech? Depending on how far along you are there is still time for baby to flip if he is breach.
This site always helps me to remember where the baby could be in side:
My Chart My Nest Bio