3rd Trimester

I have an interview Tuesday....

I will be 30 weeks next Wednesday, but unless you know me, you really can't tell that I am pregnant.  I know not to mention this in the interview, but exactly when should I mention it.  Once offered the position but before starting?  After I start?

Re: I have an interview Tuesday....

  • I think legally you don't have to tell them until after you start.

    I'm sure some other ladies can give more than that though. ;-)

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  • This is something that I dealt with kind of a lot... I started looking for a new job as soon as I found out I was pregnant, since the one I've been in is not super family friendly (and it's not that easy to do it while expecting either). 

    I went on a fair number of interviews and I felt sort of obligated to discuss it with potential employers.  I know I wasn't legally obliged to, but if I was thinking that these people would be my supervisors and coworkers, I didn't really want to start our potential relationship off with lies or misunderstandings.  Also, when asked why I was interested in leaving my current position, I felt I should be honest - I'm leaving because I am pregnant and I want a job that will be more conducive to having a family.  Luckily I got an offer before 30 weeks, but now I'm waiting for a background check to clear before I can start... So I won't be able to start before I'm done with maternity leave.

    I think it's ultimately your choice when you tell them -- and it's a really hard decision.  For all the legal mumbo jumbo about not being able to discriminate against an applicant because they're pregnant, there are a million ways of calling it something else.  Pregnant and job hunting is the worst - as if you don't have enough stress and anxiety on your plate, your financial future is also in limbo during this time.  But, if it were me, I would tell them sooner rather than later. 

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