3rd Trimester

XP: Post partum: pads/Depends?

Should I get Depends and pads or just pads? Should I bring any to the hospital? What kind and brand of pads? How many? Should I get a variety of absorbencies?

Sorry, I've never bought pads before so I'm kind of clueless. Thanks!

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Re: XP: Post partum: pads/Depends?

  • I'd definitely get some depends. You can turn every which-a-way without worrying about leaking or ruining underwear.
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  • i actually used the hospital ones for the first two days then switched to my own.  I just got regular pads for heavier flow.  Thats all.  I felt so much more comfortable with my own pads....because they weren't big and bulky and worked just as well. 
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  • I used the super over night extra long pads after my first .I used the hospital ones at first but I hated them so I plan on bringing my own this time. But I did love the mesh panties that the hospital provided.

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  • Good question. I just bought pads with wings for the first time since I was like 14, super weird. I'm assuming you get them at the hospital but I'm thinking I'd like to be prepared b/c DH probably won't take too kindly to picking up depends for me. 
  • The hospital will provide you with all the monster sized pads you want while you're there, no need to buy or bring anything unless you want a smaller one for the ride home.
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  • After the hospital stay just some extra absorbent pads should be fine, you shouldn't need depends. I used Stayfree thins and they worked just fine. The hospital will give you some huge pads to use while you're there. I did take some with me for going home but didn't end up needing them.
  • You will get some mega absorbancy stuff from the hospital for post-partum bleeding.  Once it slows down a bit, I just bought extra absorbancy pads from the store.  I don't think you'd need Depends, since they're for urination not bleeding.  I did bring home the equivalent of Tucks pads from the hospital as well as Dermaplast (anesthetic) and had to restock those at some point.
    Ethan George 11.4.06 Marcus Harvey 3.4.11
  • imageAshfieldMay:
    I'd definitely get some depends. You can turn every which-a-way without worrying about leaking or ruining underwear.


    This.  I got these both times for at night.  I like not having to change my sheets every day.

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  • I hemorrhaged after delivery and still didn't need the huge hospital Depends-style pads for more than a day. They hook you up with some overnight-type maxi pads once the serious bleeding stops. No need to bring your own or buy granny dipes!
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  • always infinity = best pads on the market IMO.

    Paper thin and they absorb so much fluid its not even funny. I just hope they work well after the hospital because its the only kind I buy.

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    By lilenatalem at 2012-01-28 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Posting this based both on experience with DD and being an RN in L&D...

    You will not need to bring anything to the hospital. They will supply you with all the pads you need, hopefully even ice pack pads which feel really nice on a sore bottom :)

    They may even send you home with a pack of pads. If they open a pack of pads for you- make sure to take them because you've paid for them one way or the other. You may even to "stock up" on pads in the hospital if you ask for a lot and put them away (assuming you have good insurance and aren't paying out of pocket since the pads are priced but that's kinda sneaky Wink

    By the time you are discharged, you should be beyond the point of the heavy bleeding that occurs when you stand up, sit up, or just because.

    But you might want to stock up on some of the overnight pads for night and some super pads for during the day. I'd get a pack of each absorbency JIC- LOL. 

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  • imagejess1984:

    I used the super over night extra long pads after my first .I used the hospital ones at first but I hated them so I plan on bringing my own this time. But I did love the mesh panties that the hospital provided.


    Oh yea, mesh undies :) Those are great. I wish I had some for my birth center birth..

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  • Both!! I was horrified at first at the idea but for the first few days, Depends were awesome! You're laying down a lot and taking care of a newborn. I would've ruined lots of underwear w/o them. I used the pads inside and basically used the Depends as underwear.
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  • I'm not big on wearing thick pads so I got some ultra thin overnights w/ wings for the first few days pp and then switched to regular ultra thin pads w/ wings.  The hospital provided ultra thick maxi pads.
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  • I bought one pack of 28 super absorbancy pads with wings (the thicker ones, not the thins). A lot of people tell me once you are home the flow is a lot like a normal period, or maybe almost like a little bit of a heavy period and normal pads should do the job once you make it home. I plan to take advantage of what the hospital will supply me while I am there but I have packed a few of the ones I bought just in case and/or for when I am discharged.
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  • imagerosesandpeonies:
    i actually used the hospital ones for the first two days then switched to my own.  I just got regular pads for heavier flow.  Thats all.  I felt so much more comfortable with my own pads....because they weren't big and bulky and worked just as well. 

    This exactly!  I hate thick bulky pads, so I am sure I would be uncomfortable in depends.

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