3rd Trimester

Fluid on the low side of normal?

Anyone else? I had a BPP yesterday to check the baby out. Everything is fine but my fluid is on the low side of normal. (At a 9.) I will have a repeat scan next week to make sure it isn't declining. In the meantime I am just drinking a ton of water and resting as much as possible with 2 active little boys.

Oh, and the baby is estimated to weigh 6 pounds and 13 ounces at 36 weeks. My repeat c-section is scheduled for the 25th! So much to do, so little time!

Re: Fluid on the low side of normal?

  • this happened to me at 32 weeks. i was at an 8. i stayed on my side (left or right) for 70%-80% of the day and drank at least 80 oz of water a day. after a week, it was up to 12. drink up!
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  • The woman who taught my childbirth class had low fluid levels when she was pregnant and they made her come back for another test the next day to decide whether to induce.  So she drank TONS and it literally changed her fluid levels overnight, to the point that she wasn't considered low anymore and they didn't have to induce.  Good luck!
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  • Baby A's fluid has been on the low side of normal since 29w.  I was put on limited activity at that time (I also had a shortening cervix) and was advised to get lots of rest and drink lots of water.  I've had frequent monitoring since then and it hasn't gotten any worse, in fact it has gotten better.  Just take care of yourself and make sure your baby's fluid is monitored frequently. 
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  • Thanks ladies! I appreciate the responses:) Off to drink more water!!
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