3rd Trimester

Having bloody show for over 24 hours now, still no contractions. :(

Tuesday morning I had my membranes stripped, and yesterday morning I started losing lots of yellow mucus in chunks and strings. Around 5 PM yesterday the mucus started coming out bloody (red blood) and has stayed that way ever since. Every time I go to the bathroom I have red, bloody mucus when I wipe. Sometimes it's a lot (a few tablespoons worth, or a 6+ inch long globby string), and sometimes it's a little (about the size of a quarter on the toilet paper) but it's always there, and always mixed with red blood. I had really hoped that this meant labor was on the way, but I haven't had any contractions yet! I guess I'm just frustrated and needed to vent. Will I just continue to have bloody mucus for days? Will it eventually just go away? Is it really possible to have this much bloody show but still not go into labor soon? I'll be induced next week if I don't go into labor on my own, and I'd really like to avoid that.

Stories/experiences appreciated. :) 

Anneliese Olive 11/5/09
Hazel Dianna 1/8/11
Luna Valentine 4/25/13

Re: Having bloody show for over 24 hours now, still no contractions. :(

  • You can loose your mucus plug then regenerate it, so it doesn't necessarily mean labor is eminent. My SIL had her membranes stripped and went into labor about a week later. Membrane stripping really only puts you into labor if your body is ready on it's own anyway.
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  • Why did your doc strip your membranes so early? Why are you being induced so early?
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  • imageAshfieldMay:
    You can loose your mucus plug then regenerate it, so it doesn't necessarily mean labor is eminent. My SIL had her membranes stripped and went into labor about a week later. Membrane stripping really only puts you into labor if your body is ready on it's own anyway.

    If it was just the mucus plug, I wouldn't think labor was on the way. It's the constant red blood mixed with the discharge that makes me think something has to be going on. I do believe my mucus plug is constantly regenerating, but I also think I'm constantly losing it...I'm losing a ton of bloody mucus every time I go to the bathroom (which is once every hour or 2). I don't know. If it had come and gone, I wouldn't be so hopeful. 

    Also, I was 3 cm and 60% on Tuesday, for whatever that's worth. Stick out tongue 

    Anneliese Olive 11/5/09
    Hazel Dianna 1/8/11
    Luna Valentine 4/25/13

  • imagethebigmare:
    Why did your doc strip your membranes so early? Why are you being induced so early?

    He routinely strips membranes at 38 & 39 week appointments if the patient wants it. I was 38w4d. He also does not like for patients to go past their due date. He wanted to induce me this week at 39 weeks, but I asked for him to give me another week and he agreed.

    I know my OB's practices are a little controversial in the world of TB, and I don't want this to turn into a bashing thread. I'd just like some encouragement or experiences related to my topic. 

    Anneliese Olive 11/5/09
    Hazel Dianna 1/8/11
    Luna Valentine 4/25/13

  • imageBrittKav:

    Why did your doc strip your membranes so early? Why are you being induced so early?

    He routinely strips membranes at 38 & 39 week appointments if the patient wants it. I was 38w4d. He also does not like for patients to go past their due date. He wanted to induce me this week at 39 weeks, but I asked for him to give me another week and he agreed.

    I know my OB's practices are a little controversial in the world of TB, and I don't want this to turn into a bashing thread. I'd just like some encouragement or experiences related to my topic. 

    I wasn't trying to bash your ob. I was just curious since I thought it was done much later in pregnancy.

    Good luck with everything! Sending labor dust your way! 

  • imagethebigmare:

    Why did your doc strip your membranes so early? Why are you being induced so early?

    He routinely strips membranes at 38 & 39 week appointments if the patient wants it. I was 38w4d. He also does not like for patients to go past their due date. He wanted to induce me this week at 39 weeks, but I asked for him to give me another week and he agreed.

    I know my OB's practices are a little controversial in the world of TB, and I don't want this to turn into a bashing thread. I'd just like some encouragement or experiences related to my topic. 

    I wasn't trying to bash your ob. I was just curious since I thought it was done much later in pregnancy.

    Good luck with everything! Sending labor dust your way! 

    Thanks. :) I didn't mean to come off as bi!tchy. I'm in kind of a crappy mood today. Wink 

    Anneliese Olive 11/5/09
    Hazel Dianna 1/8/11
    Luna Valentine 4/25/13

  • imageBrittKav:

    You can loose your mucus plug then regenerate it, so it doesn't necessarily mean labor is eminent. My SIL had her membranes stripped and went into labor about a week later. Membrane stripping really only puts you into labor if your body is ready on it's own anyway.

    If it was just the mucus plug, I wouldn't think labor was on the way. It's the constant red blood mixed with the discharge that makes me think something has to be going on. I do believe my mucus plug is constantly regenerating, but I also think I'm constantly losing it...I'm losing a ton of bloody mucus every time I go to the bathroom (which is once every hour or 2). I don't know. If it had come and gone, I wouldn't be so hopeful. 

    Also, I was 3 cm and 60% on Tuesday, for whatever that's worth. Stick out tongue 

    I can understand with the bloody show that labor seems to be on the way, it very well could be. But you know what most people are going to say, it doesn't mean much, neither does dilation and effacement, and babies will (or should:P) come when they're ready. Good luck with everything!

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