3rd Trimester

Soooo Bored. edited

What is everyone doing? I'm bored.

 I was orginizing/cleaning the babies room. But I need to get dinner figured out, may have dh bring me out. We'll see.

*what is/was your biggest fear with your first baby? Can be anything.

Re: Soooo Bored. edited

  • Me too. Although I think DD just woke up DS so that'll be the end of my boredom. Tongue Tied
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  • I think my biggest fear is labor or that I will forget the baby somewhere!
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  • That there is something "wrong" with LO. My cousin had a baby in July which was born with a sever case of Treacher Colins, but they had no idea until the baby was born. It was so sad.
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  • My biggest fear was that I wouldn't know what to do. I had never even HELD a baby prior to the twins. I refused to hold any baby under 3 months. I was convinced that I was going to be a terrible mom.


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  • My biggest fear is that i won't have the "mother bond".  I'm not an emotional person.  I always hear moms say that the moment thier LO was born they had SO MUCH love for them.  I am scared my baby will come out and I'll be like "...ehhh she's alright" I WANT to be a good mom, but I keep thinking "WHAT IF?"  I guess time will tell!

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  • I just finished washing dishes, we don't have a dishwasher so that's always fun. I have dinner prepared (broccoli cheese rice chicken casserole) and in the fridge, I just need to pop it in the oven for a bit.

    *Biggest fear with my first baby was that DH and I would lose touch and become distant and life as a couple would pretty much disappear. But I'm happy to report that the opposite happened for us. DS brought us closer than ever. We look at him and see each other in him, we see each other as great parents and feel lucky to have a spouse who is such a great father/mother, even though we don't have a lot of common interests DS has given us some common ground to talk about and be interested it. Sex is just as good, just not quite as frequent, and the little alone time we have together we savor:).

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