Recently Target had a Graco Lauren crib sale. I mentioned it to my mom and she said that she wanted to buy it for me. I went to our Target in CT and they were already sold out. So she went to her Target in MD and purchased it. Now this GIGANTIC box is sitting in my parents' living room and we don't know how to get it to CT. She claims that it barely fit into her mini-van and it was dangerous driving with it in there. She will not loan us her mini-van as a way to transport it to CT. Our shower is next weekend.
Her solution is to rent a cargo van (for $275 no less) to transport the crib and our other gifts homes to CT (including the changing table and mattress) when we drive home from the shower.
My DH is adamant that this is NOT a smart solution (the crib and assorted presents will barely match the amount of money we will have to spend to rent the van).
I've exhausted all of the options that I can think of. It is too large to ship. Target does not ship from store to store. I don't know anyone that will loan us their truck.
DH suggested that my mom sell the crib on Craig's List and then use the money to buy a different crib and get that one shipped directly to our house in CT. My parents are anti-technology and I already know that there is NO freaking way that they are going to list the crib on Craig's List. They won't even entertain the idea.
Dh says that it doesn't matter because he's not taking that crib from their house.
I'm in the middle and really frustrating. Both DH and my mom are being stubborn. But part of me agrees with DH that part of getting someone a gift is to ensure a way for them to get the gift to you. This is so typical of my mom. Sigh.
WWYD? Any other ideas of how to get the crib from MD to CT?
Re: WWYD giant crib box
Mail it - cheaper than renting a truck. And I hate to sound like a brat, but they bought it as a gift, so it's kind of their responsibility to get it to you guys!
It's too large for the post office to ship.
Well she got it in her mini van and drove it home. But it's not going to fit in my Honda or my DH's Toyota Corolla. It's 60.5 X 41.25 X 4.75. DH and I measured our cars. Nothing wider than 34 inches is going to fit.
I have the same crib. The box fit in my 2 door honda civic with the back seats folded down.
If it doesn't fit, do as PP said and take it out of the box. Maybe buy a storage tote to put the small pieces in.
TTC #2 since 8/2012
Me:28 H:34
Me: all tests normal!
H: Azoospermia (Sperm count zero).
MFI Urologist all test normal.
Biopsy Feb. 14
We have a Mazda 3 wagon, we put the seats down in the back and it fit. If anything just take the stuff out of the box and put it into the car.
If you're getting other gifts such as a mattress, then how do you plan on getting all of those home?
Excluding the crib, we do have to get a changing table, mattress and assorted shower presents home. It just so happens that my DH will be in DC the following Wed-Fri for a conference and he's driving down. Whatever doesn't fit Round 1 will definitely fit Round 2.
So my dad has a 4 door Honda Accord. My 4 door Honda Hybrid's seats don't go down, but the seats in my dad's car do. When I told my mom that people said the crib fit in their 2 door Honda, she isn't even willing to try and see if the crib will fit in my dad's car. I said that she could just bring it up when they come to visit since we're using a bassinette anyways. And she started being all unreasonable again about how are they supposed to fit a suitcase in the car and every time the car stops, the crib will slam into her seat, etc, etc, etc.
For the record, we bought this crib and it fit fine in my minivan. I didn't even have to put the seats down...
Agree to take it out of the box- just bring lots of padding for it so it doesn't get all scratched up during the transport.
I'm sure it'd fit in your car that way.
Seems completely counter-intuitive to buy a crib on sale and then spend way more than what the crib is worth to get it your house. If you can't get it there, then your mom needs to take it back to the store and maybe send you a Target gift card instead.
That would have made too much sense...
Actually the sale was only for in-store, not online. But she could have called me before she purchased the crib to mention the size of the box. She could have called that is if her cell phone was charged at the time.
Strap it to the hood of the car with a tarp over it. Problem solved!
Or return it at her store for store credit, mail the store credit merchandise card to you, use the card at your store to buy a different crib (or couldn't Target just order the same crib since they are currently out of stock in your town)?
I still don't get why this has to be so dramatic but good luck.
EDD 1/31/13, MC May 17. EDD 3/31/13, MC July 26. I miss you so much already my angel loves