About 10 years ago I was diagnosed with GERD, more commonly known as acid reflux disease, which makes eating (and even smelling) food pretty painful if its not controlled with medication. I've also struggled with anemia for several years. The problem with this combination is that the medicines for the acid reflux make it difficult for your body to properly absorb iron, and iron pills increase heartburn (among other unpleasant digestive side effects). In the past my doctors were able to control the anemia by controlling its cause - (TMI) my heavy and frequent periods. So I went on the pill, controlled my acid reflux, and my iron levels returned to normal.
Flash forward to now, this pregnancy has made my acid reflux even worse and my normal medications are no longer working. I've also developed anemia, my iron levels are down to 9. So my doctor has put me on a new medication, Carafate, to try to control the acid reflux so I can at least eat and hopefully can tolerate oral iron. However, if it doesn't work she is going to give me iron through an IV.
So my question is, have any of you ladies have any experiences with IV iron? Was it better/worse/the same as oral iron? TIA
Re: Anyone on IV Iron?
Thanks! This makes me hopeful that Carafate will make it possible for me to take iron orally! I've only been on it for 2 days, so time will tell.
Woah, that is a long time! Now I really hope to avoid it.