so I went to my ob today after reporting that I thought I had lost my mp... first of all, speculums are torture devices. I feel like I'm having contractions now, and my woohoo hurts so bad I have limited mobility >:(
My dr told me that I look ok, cervix is still good, but then checked a swab he took and gave me a prescription for amoxicillin because of strep B. I just finished a round of antibiotics for strep b like a week and a half ago.... wtf?! I hate taking pills, especially antibiotics.... and I'm really not clear on why strep b is so bad? he mentioned it having something to do with pre term labor, but didnt explain.
I also asked him about why I feel like poo all the time, being dizzy and over all exhausted. He then explained that I have low blood pressure and that every time I eat my baby takes all my sugar which makes me hypoglycemic....
greattttt. that explains why I've been eating and craving candy, especially chocolate, like a psycho.
is it march yet?
Re: post ob appt update
Lol. Nicely put KDodge.