3rd Trimester

induction experiences please?

So now that I'm back to being induced (if you didn't catch the update post here it is) I'm officially thinking of all the bad stuff that can happen: the meds to soften my cervix won't work, the pitocin won't work, I'll end up with no baby or a c-section, etc... Sorry, I'm a worrier!

Anyway, I thought it would be a good idea to come on here and ask for some induction stories to get a more realistic view of what I'm going to be going through. I want the good AND the bad, as I'm trying to get a firmer grasp on things.

Also, can anyone tell me the difference between Cervadil & Cytotec? I DO know that Cytotec is not FDA approved for labor, but is FDA approved for stomach issues. I just want to know what the main differences are, if any at all.

As of now the plan is to vaginally administer Cytotec (about 1/4 pill) until I'm at least 2cm, then start a pitocin drip. If I come in already more than 1cm dilated, they will forgo the Cytotec and just break my water and administer a pit drip.As it stands, this process can take more than 24hrs. The OBGYN explained to me that if we don't do the Cytotec first there's a greater risk of my uterus being exhausted by the time I need to push - seeing as I'm only 70% effaced.


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Re: induction experiences please?

  • I had to be induced due to GD and even though the end result was a c-section [DD was WAY too big to make it out of door number one] the actual induction was not a bad experience.  I was started on Pitocin at 08:20 and everything went rather well.  I progressed easily and once I was at 4 cm my water was broke [one of the weirdest feelings ever!].  I went through my entire induction without pain meds or an epidural!  Overall I did not find my ctx to be too bad.  After pushing for several hours my midwife decided that it would be best to have the surgeons come in and take a look.  The entire time I had been pushing we could see the top of her head, but that was all.  Her forehead and the rest of her would not pass through.  The surgeon agreed and I ended up going in for my c-section.  Overall I would do the whole thing again.  Good luck!
  • Medicine has come a long way in my town since my induction ten years ago.

    I was admitted the night before, had blood drawn for lab work, blood pressure checked, fetal monitors set and IV put in place. I was given the insert of cervadil to help soften my cervix and left to sleep over night. I was checked the next morning and the cervadil had done all it could which wasn't much. My water was broken at about 9am and then I waited.

    I kept having a nurse do internals telling my mom the baby was 'right there' which he wasn't. I was having hard contractions but they felt muted like something was holding them back. It felt like someone was hugging me tightly from behind. My OB came in at noon and told me if I hadn't had my son by 3 we were doing a c-section.

    3 o'clock came and no baby. We were all suited up, calls made to family. My Dad had hauled ass from Houston to Katy on his motorcycle in less than 20 minutes to go with me to the OR. He held my hand the whole time and took pictures during the c-section. (My husband and I were going through a divorce and he hadn't been around since I was 3 months pregnant. Dad went with me to my OB appts.)

    When they opened me up it became clear why Connor wasn't descending. He was transverse in my pelvis. Head in one hip, butt in the other. Forceps were used to get his head out of my hip and once they got him out I immediately felt relief, like I could take a good deep breath again. Connor was born three weeks early and weighed 8lbs 8oz. He was huge to me.

    But after he was taken out is when things went wrong. Connor's Dad was a steroid junkie and it really affected Connor's lungs. He had enough surfactant to cry and started to die right after that. He was taken to the Level II NICU and nurses started to work on him. Didn't really help. My hospital wasn't capable of providing the level care Connor needed. So he was transferred to Houston at Texas Children's Hospital where a team of specialists called me every 3 hours to give verbal updates or get verbal consent to try something new to save him. He was declining fast and was down to a 20% chance to live. Prayer was all we had left so that's what I did. I walked from the PP wing to the church upstairs and prayed for hours. Nurses were sent to look for me, why wasn't I in bed, the doc gave me meds and I should be asleep. How could I sleep when my son was dying? Prayer worked because in the middle of the night I got a phonecall saying they tried surfactant (soapy enzyme to boost oxygenation in the lungs) and it worked and Connor was thriving.

    He spent 3 weeks in the NICU after the team at Tx Children's said he wasn't meant to make it. I've got a fiesty 9 year old on my hands now and (according to a text message from DH) as we speak he'd rather play with legos than get ready for school.

    My situation is an isloated one. Not every c-section or induction goes like this.I spent months watching the show Birth Day to prepare myself mentally for what I might go through and truthfully, no show you watch will prepare you for what you may encounter because every situation is different.

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  • I personally had a wonderful experience. I didn't start with cervidil or anything. I went in at 7:30, got hooked up to monitors, Dr checked me and I was 2-3cm dilated, 70% effaced. Here's the timeline:

    8:25am- OB broke my water(ouch) and I started contracting immediately

    8:55am- Contractions were 2-4 min apart, and I recieved a very small amount of pitocin

    10am- Got the epidural and contractions were 2 min apart

    10:55am- Contractions were spreading, so got a little more pitocin

    12:55pm- 6cm dilated

    1:32pm- 10cm, started pushing

    2:03pm- DS was born


    GL to you!

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  • I HATE cytotec. You have to lay still so it doesn't fall out. It usually takes 12-24 hours to work on me and it is scratchy going up there.

    If I had to chose (although have never used cervadil myself) I would want to try that. It seems to have a better chance to bring on labor. A few of my friends have used it and after a few hours it was removed because it worked! Not only did it soften their cervix but it brought on contractions and it worked for them in much less time.

    I had an induction with ds and with dd they used pitocin after my water broke to augment labor. Seems to me like they would come in ever 30 minutes to increase the dose. It starts out really low. Both times it was really slow for me to get to 4-5 cm but once I hit 6cm, literally 30 minutes later I was telling them that I had to push.

    The best advice I have is to listen to your body. You don't have to be a hero and go med free. The pain medication is there if you need it. It is your birth experience and I found mine much more enjoyable using the medication. I found that with dd, I had waited too long to get the epi and it made it harder to sit still to have it placed. Pushing is hard and no amount of yelling will make it any easier.

    have an open mind! anything can go one way or the other and going in without a specific idea that things have to be a certain way will help you get through when changes occur.

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  • thank you to the ladies that have responded thus far!!

    I'm definitely in the school of thought that says "the more you know, the less fearful you will be" so you are really doing a lot to calm my nerves, even if you think your story is a bad one!

    I have an open mind about everything so far. Its not going to be the end of the world if this experience doesn't go picture perfect (thought I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be thrilled if it did!). I'm just trying to mentally prepare myself for what the possibilities are.

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  • I was ~2cm when I went in for my induction at 41 weeks.

    They started me on pitocin around 6

    Dr broke my water shortly after that when I was 3cm

    Got the epi around noon

    I did stall at about 5cm and they gave me until around 7 (I think) to labor and see if I progressed.  No progression so I was put on the schedule for  a c-section.  Turned out DD was sunny side up so she probably wouldn't have progressed on her own.

    My recovery wasn't bad at all.

  • i had to be induced with my oldest bc of my anxiety attacks... with me it made labor go really fast from the time they broke my water until my oldest son was born was 6 hours. the second time around it went even faster 4 hours... i had to be induced the 2nd time bc of the antidepressants i was on, however i was able to carry to full term both times...the pain comes on pretty quick so be prepared for that
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  • imageHUrquiza:

    thank you to the ladies that have responded thus far!!

    I'm definitely in the school of thought that says "the more you know, the less fearful you will be" so you are really doing a lot to calm my nerves, even if you think your story is a bad one!

    I have an open mind about everything so far. Its not going to be the end of the world if this experience doesn't go picture perfect (thought I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't be thrilled if it did!). I'm just trying to mentally prepare myself for what the possibilities are.

    That's all you can do. Remember every birth and birth story is different. That's what makes them exciting. Take things as they come and just because there is a birth plan doesn't mean your LO read it, lol. Thoughts and prayers for you and your LO that you have a swift and safe delivery.

  • I was induced with DS at exactly 40 wks due to high BP (had to go on bedrest at 36 wks) and DS was measuring big.  I was told at my dr's apt that I had not dilated at all (Friday) and was admitted on Tuesday evening.  Once there I was checked and dilated to 2 cm but I still received Cervidil which stayed in until 6 am.  However I actually started labor in the middle of the night.  I progressed really good, especially after my epi.  I started pushing around 2:45 pm and DS was born at 3:08 pm!  It was an amazing experience! 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imagelilbit923:

    That's all you can do. Remember every birth and birth story is different. That's what makes them exciting. Take things as they come and just because there is a birth plan doesn't mean your LO read it, lol. Thoughts and prayers for you and your LO that you have a swift and safe delivery.

     That's great advice!! and thank you for the T&P!

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