It's on HBO right now. I just happened to see it and I'm watching it now. The description of it is: "By using surrogates in India, potential parents have a less-expensive method of reproduction." It is following a woman how is donating her eggs in NY and the spern donors are in India. It's pretty wild to see this since it's HBO they are showing it all. ER and everything. It's on HBO2 right now if you want to check it out.
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Re: Is anyone watching or has watched "Google Baby"?
I'm not sure but I bet it will be. It says it's a documentary and it came out in 2010. It's pretty interesting. They have Surrogate Houses that all the surrogates live in while pregnant.
The donor that had the ER in NY had 30 eggs. The gentleman in India shipped the sperm from 6 parents to the NY clinic. They were fertilized and shipped back to him in India. Now he is on he way to Mumbai to have the embryos transplanted into the surrogates. For one parent, they are using two surrogates to increase the chances of a pregnancy. Another parent is a 57 year old single woman who wants a child. Seeing the different aspects of all of this is pretty interesting.
This was crazy to me. My RE was opposed to using my sister's DE's because she's 40 (and I wanted them to mix her eggs and my eggs so we wouldn't know what took) - They looked at me like I was unethical for me to ask.
Isn't this like a form of black market baby buying? You want a child at 57 so you financially arrange to have that happen... I am shocked! I may be going too far but isn't this somewhat on the verge of irresponsible?
Did you watch it too? DH and I sat here watching glued to the tv and I couldn't turn it off. When it ended... I wasn't really sure how I felt. I get how you feel. I also felt weirded out about the surrogate houses. But then DH and I talked about the money they recieved for doing it and the houses and all they were able to get for their families. For me, it was like.. wow.. that's all I could say. Wow...