3rd Trimester

Anyone else have Gestational Hypertension

Does anyone else have gestational hypertension? I went in for my regular appt yesterday and had BP of 146/94 and was sent to L&D for further testing and decisions. I had fortunately been doing a 24hr urine. The results of that came back perfect. My blood work was perfect and the babys heartrate was perfect. I was/am petrified of pre-e and thought that since I was being sent to L&D they were going to induce. Luckily I got to go home. My biggest fear is that they will induce. Anyone else going through this?
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Re: Anyone else have Gestational Hypertension

  • Meeeee!!!!

    OB told me to watch for the other signs of pre-e but she tried to calm my nerves by telling me some women just retain a lot of fluid in the end.

    Good luck to us both! :)

    I'm sure we'll be fine.  

  • i have it and was sent in for lab work and a 24 hr urine and all my results came back fine but she uped my BP medicine to keep things level..... i was also put on limited bedrest..... i also go for NST's twice a wk and the baby is doing just great....
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  • They really didnt do anything different for me. No bedrest, no meds. Just makes me nervous.
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