Ohio Babies

Baby Furniture

prissy16prissy16 member
edited July 2021 in Ohio Babies


 I have been looking at baby furniture at JCPenny and Babies R Us.  I like some furniture at JCP but you can only order online, and I would rather see it before I make a big purchase.  I didn't find anything that was worth the price at BRU.  Any ideas of where else I can buy baby furniture and see it before I purchase it.



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Re: Baby Furniture

  • I don't know what's your taste and budget is but how about Ikea? To me is the perfect place because the furniture is modern, minimalistic which is what i'm going for, none of those sleigh cribs for me, and the prices are really good for example the crib i want is $139. Just my two cents.
  • Did you check buy buy baby, burlington coat factory or sears?  I can't remember if they had stuff at the store or not.
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  • I am ordering from JCP sight unseen. I will let you know how it looks when it gets here.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • There's also a store in Grandview called My Own Room.  They have a variety of cribs and other nursery furniture with a fairly good price range (mid to high-end).  They also have a selection of bedding options, including custom designs.
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