So today I've been having blurry vision - not really bad - but I can notice it. My BP usually runs pretty low (about 118/80).
I had the school nurse take my blood pressure and it was 136/88. I go to the doc tomorrow - so I'll ask him about this.
As you got further in your pregnancy, did you see big changes in your blood pressure?
Re: What's your blood pressure situation?
I would call your doctor today - like now.
BP is not something to mess aroudn with, esp if you are having vision changes.
Ditto, any kind of changes in your BP I'd call right now.
I would call your doctor. Blurred vision and spikes in bp are signs of pre-e. It can't hurt to just go and do a urine culture.
I've had a spike in my bp lately and it makes me super nervous...better safe than sorry.
"Be the Lego Lady"
Yeah, what the hell Dodge why aren't you passing out? We are all exactally the same so I expect you to start fainting!
Sure. Naps are way better anyway, fainting sucks.
I agree with PP call your doctor, vision changes and high BP are no bueno.
I am currently on bedrest for high BP and protien in my urine - doing a 24 hour urine collection for my appt tomorrow!
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
mine has been about 100/58 for months; doctors are happy about it.
I would have your BP checked again...sometimes you can get a false reading...