How do you think this will be received if I did it at a nice restaurant?
Today is our wedding anniversary, and we are going out to our favorite restaurant this evening. I am dying for a glass of red wine with dinner (already cleared by doc, only plan to drink one glass).
Have any of you done this? What was the response from your waiter/waitress?
I'm 37 weeks right very, obviously, undeniably pregnant.
Re: Ordering a glass of wine...
Who cares? Just order it and enjoy... people always have their opinions about everything. If you've been cleared by your doc... sit back and relax and enjoy!
To be honest I would probably give a hugely pregnant woman a really weird look and mutter about her behind her back if she ordered alcohol in a restaraunt when I was there. But who cares? I get funny looks when I order a starbucks but I am working with my doctor and that is what matters.
I would go ahead and do it. Or have your husband order it and just sip on his. Oh man i am just imagining the heartburn I would get from red wine!! I need tums just thinking about it
All they can do is say "OK" and get you your wine.
If they give you a dirty look, you can complain to a manager and probably get your meal for free. Enjoy your wine!
I was a server at a fine dining restaurant and never thought twice about a pregnant woman ordering a glass of wine, and would never have said anything even if I did think it was weird. If anything they'll be glad you order one, since that adds to the bill and their tip:). If you feel that uncomfortable, you can get your husband to order a bottle to share, and just ask the server to pour you half a glass.
Edited for spelling error.
Who cares...just ignore the waiter or waitress!
We went out for dinner on new years with my mom and dad. We ordered a bottle of wine and the waiter asked if everyone was having wine. My mom just said yes and that was that.
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
I ordered a glass of wine when we went out for my parents anniversary to a nice Greek restaurant. Granted, I was only about 5 months at the time, but the waiter didn't say a word.
If you are comfortable having a glass and your doc has cleared you, I would not worry about it.
Happy Anniversary and enjoy your wine!
We've had a few pregnant woman over the years order a glass of wine, and I always thought it was fine, and took some guts.
Then we had a huge, obviously pregnant woman order 5 beers. My boss cut her off. Right to refuse service and such. She was slurring her words and we had to call her a cab. Apparently her husband had left her or something.
When I was a waitress, I'd never have judged someone for having a glass of wine. Finish the bottle off, and yeah, I'd give you a "huh?" look.
I once had a pregnant woman that I knew order a golden cadillac margarita from me and say "extra strong, I had a bad day". I side-eyed her. Then I side-eyed her even harder when she complained about it not being strong enough.
I say go for it and enjoy!
Over the course of my pregnancy, I have had tiny splashes of wine in restaurants and no one has ever been weird about it... granted, these weren't even half glasses, but frankly if you are about to pop and the Dr cleared it, go for the glass!!!! If it was a vodka martini, that might be another story (I will SO be having a martini after LO is born...maybe minutes after!!!)
I've done a few times throughout this pregnancy, including at one of my baby showers.
No one gave me the stinkeye, any pause, or a second look. Honestly, I think people that post on the bump are far more judgmental on this issue than the general population.