on xmas day, I lost my mp and then that afternoon started having contractions. dilated to only 1.5, received a shot of terb and was sent home when contractions stopped. i have been extra crampy the past few days, more BH type contractions but nothing timeable. I now have been experiencing a very thick, mucusy, wet discharge, and am wondering if this is normal. There is definately more than ever before. I am going into the doc at 4 today for a check up, but I was just wondering if this has happened to you or if you know what it could be.
Re: lost my mp 12 days ago. now weird discharge?
Owen Anders: labor (natural onset), failed VBAC, emergency c/s.
it looks like a huge jellyfish snot (lol eww) either on the TP or in the toilet. it can come out in smaller pieces though which is what happened to me. youll know when you see it you'll be like WTF is that?!?
It can re-generate so, as long as you aren't spotting/bleeding or having contractions, you should be fine. If you are really worried about it, call your dr for reassurance.
I have been told that it can regenerate...so losing it early isn't necessarily a sign that you will go into labor soon...