
Laproscopy and scared to death

Ok girls, just got back from doctor for my PCT. Everything normal. Been through all tests and now as a final test my doctor wants to perform a laproscopy to check for any adhesions. Need detailed stories/advice of the procedure. After this procedure, we will move on to Clomid and IUI. Please let me know your stories of Lapro :) Thanks so much  
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Re: Laproscopy and scared to death

  • I had my lap in summer 2007. Was fairly uneventful... I was up and around later the same day. Two incisions, one in the belly button, and one lower down just above the hair lines. The belly button one was the more painful of the two. I found that, being a side-sleeper, putting a pillow between my knees helped alleviate the pressure and I was more comfortable. Only real issue was that a few days later I had a pain in my shoulder... Turns out, that can be a problem... Random joints can become painful (usually shoulders as they are higher up on your body) from procedures like a lap because they inflate your abdomen during surgery so they can see. The pain later is because the gas is still kinda trapped in your body and it isn't really absorbed very quickly, so it kinda moved around. The pain dissipated over a day or two, but I wasnt prepared for it so it concerned me at the time. Good luck!
    Married September 2005 - TEAM PINK x2 this time around :)

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  • Hair line, not hair lineS. Damn iPhone keyboard ?
    Married September 2005 - TEAM PINK x2 this time around :)

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  • I had one in August and honestly, besides the incisions, it wasn't much different than my two previous surgical hysterscopies.  Recovery is pretty quick and it's not that bad.  Worst part is the anesthesia, but just tell them to give you anti-nausea meds, that will help.  GL!
    TTK 9/06 / TTC 10/08 / Twins 12/11 / Life Blog
    5 REs + 3 surgical hysteroscopies for septum/lap + 3 failed IUIs
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    FET w/acu = BFP!, B/G twins!, lost MP @19w, dx w/funneling cervix @20w,
    twins nearly lost to IC @21w, saved by rescue cerclage, 17P & 16w of bedrest
    Our twins born @36w4d via CS when A came foot first

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  • I had my lap last June, and I agree with what was said above. I also had the shoulder pain, which is a side effect of the air they put in your abdomen. It wasn't bad, just uncomfortable.


    Just make sure you take it easy, and no lifting for at least two weeks. I did some moderately heavy lifting about 10 days after, and it really set me back.


    Good luck!

    I've probably been on The Bump longer than you have.

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  • I was nervous before mine too but honestly, it was a piece of cake compared to what I had imagined in my head.  I took it easy for a couple of days after and then was completely fine.  I'm so glad my doctor did it because otherwise I would have never known I had endometriosis!  He was able to remove all the adhesions and clean everything up in there, which I am soooo grateful for since we are just about to go into our first IVF cycle.  I know it's hard, but don't worry too much, it really isn't that bad!  :)
    Me - Hypothyroidism & Endometriosis
    DH - Low Testosterone (but normal SA)
    December 2008 - Pregnancy Loss @ 17 1/2 weeks (Trisomy 18)
    September 2009 - HSG all clear!
    April & May 2010 - 2 Failed IUI's
    August 2010 - Laparosocopy - all endo adhesions removed!
    1st IVF cycle - January 2011 - BFN
    FET#1 - April 2011 - BFN
    FET#2 - June 2011 - BFN
  • I had my lap 3 years ago.  It wasn't as bad as I imagined.  I had two incisions, the belly button one was a little more uncomfortable, because it's in a sensitive area. The worse pain for me was the pain from them inflating my stomach with air.  The air sometimes can get caught in your shoulder blades, this pain lasted for 3 days, which at times can be uncomfortable, but nothing I couldn't handle.   Also, I don't do well with anesthesia, so I was sick the day of the surgery.  

      I took a week off from work, which I didn't need.  I was back to normal after 4-5 days, but still took it easy for the full 2 weeks my doctor advised. 

    I'm the biggest wimp, so if I could get through it, anyone could.  Big Smile

    Good Luck!!!  

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  • I just had mine the weekend before Thanksgiving. I was scared to death as well.  I was a nervous ball of crazy leading up to it! 

    It really wasnt that bad at all.  I literally laid in bed for 4-5 days afterward cus I didnt want that shoulder pain and I didnt have any!  I dont know if laying down helped or if I just wouldnt have had it anyway..   but worth a try to avoid it IMHO...  

    I agree the belly button incision was the worst and with drugs.. it wasnt that bad.  It felt a lot weirder than I thought it would.. if that makes sense.  The pain I mean, it seemed more toward the surface than internal for me..  and I thought that was odd.

    It kinda just felt like i scraped my stomach up real bad, even though there was no scrape at all.  

    I had no problems with the anesthesia.. in fact that was my 3rd surgery this year so.. im a pro now :) 

    TTC#2: septum removed, 2 losses, Stage 2 Endo, thin lining, slight MFI
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  • It's not so bad, although I also had some other procedures done along with it and was still ok. GL to need to stress I'm sure you'll be fine
    Been married since 2009.
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  • I just had my lap done in December.  I had 4 incisions.  Honestly, it was a very easy recovery. I was up and moving the next day.  The worst part was just the gas pains in my right shoulder.  I am definitely glad that I had the surgery because they found endo and were able to fix my blocked left tube.  I just started my first clomid/iui cycle.   Good Luck! 
  • My lap wasn't too bad. The worst part about it was the gas in my back and shoulders afterwards. It was a slow recovery for me, probably about a week. This might be because my doc removed endo, and had to repair my appendix, which was wrapped around my bowels. Some women have no pain after. I think it just depends on the person and how much they move your insides around during surgery (well that's my theory at least).

    Good luck and I hope you get good news.

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  • Had one last December and it wasn't bad at all.

    I had a hard time waking up after and felt sick. I had pain in my shoulder because of the gas they put in you but otherwise I was fine. A bit sore for a few days after but by day 4 it was easy.

    Took 2 years & 8 months to make our baby! Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I had a lap last March.  Like all the other posters said, it really was not that bad at all.  The worst part for me was the shoulder pain from the gas they use during the procedure.  I took it easy for most of the week following the surgery and I was back to myself pretty quickly.  It really is not as bad as you think!  Good Luck!

    After 1 IUI, 3 IVF's with CGH/CCS testing, 10 early miscarriages, and lots of tears and frustration, we are moving on to Domestic Infant Adoption!  We are so excited to see what the future holds.

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