Ohio Babies

How to get baby to sleep in his crib..

edited July 2021 in Ohio Babies

My son is 2 months old and hates sleeping in his crib!

We have a pack and play bassinet and he will only sleep in there for 2 hours then wake up. And its not like a "hello and i'm awake" cry..its a " hey i just realized my binky fell out" cry and then he goes back to sleep. But he won't sleep in there unless we both go to bed. If we are watching TV in the next room he wants nothing to do with his crib and even at night there is no sleeping for me because i'm up checking or putting his binky back in his mouth. Some times i put him in his boppy( the one with the center in it not the half boppy) and let him sleep in the bed with me and his father because he will actually sleep all night, and i know that is not safe.

How do you get them to like there crib without letting them " Cry it out"..because that does not work at 2 months!

I was thinking about putting him in his swing but i'd like him to sleep in his bed every night! HELP!

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