I don't get BH contractions during the day (or don't notice them) but as soon as I get home or am driving home and am sitting down for more than a few minutes, they start. I get them like every couple of minutes and they last about 30 seconds. I had 6 driving home from the pharmacy today (about 10-15 minutes). They dont hurt, but they feel extremely tight.
I mentioned it to my Nurse Practitioner at my last appt and she said if I am having them that often I should call and be seen. She's kind of an airhead at times though
I am a teacher and this happened before break and did not happen once during break, but today happened again. It was my second day back and a work day, so I was busy making copies, on my feet, etc. all day
Is there a general rule about how many you can have or anything before you are seen or should call? I am relatively certain they are not "real" contractions as they are not painful and don't feel like the contractions I had when I was in labor with DS.
Re: BH contractions every minute?
I usually get BH contractions back to back like that after I've been up and about all day and finally sit down.
On days that I get to kick my feet up and take it easy they are fewer and farther between.
My OB said not to worry about the contractions unless they start to get painful. Which indicates the real thing.
Hope that helps you relax a little about it.
if they last more than 45 seconds, call someone. I thought I was having BH, turned out to be the real thing!!! not to scare you
also the bump has a cool contraction calculator that may help
Different docs have different opinions on what you should have checked. My doc said not to worry unless they were painful, or regular (that you could time them and they were consistantly 4 or 5 mins apart). I have also heard that you should try lying on your side for half an hour while drinking lots of water to see if they go away (yeah, cause that is possible at work!)
I left a message with my doc to let me know how many was too many (this was just before halloween) - I haven't had to go into L&D for them yet...
I get them when I am doing too much... like cleaning the kitchen
... if I slow down they stop.
Now that you're back at work you may not be drinking as much water as you were while you were at home. Try to make sure you are constantly drinking water too. I know drinking water seems to reduce mine.
Do they stop when you move around at home? I get more baby movement when sitting, so maybe you're feeling that not a true bh?
My OB said more than 6 an hour and I should call. The earlier on you are the more important it is that you get them checked out. From what I understand pre-term labor symptoms are sometimes different from actual full term labor symptoms and each pregnancy is different so don't rely on your previous labor to judge.