3rd Trimester

Help supper idea needed please!

Ds is in bed, dh is running an errand for me. I need something easy to make and easy to swallow since they had to put a breathing tube in while I had surgery and my throat is still killing me... and I don't want to have to stand too long becuase my woo ha is still hurting too, lol... any ideas? If I wasn't pregnant I would probably just go to bed becuase I'm exhausted and excited to sleep in my own bed tonight. but I should eat for her.
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Re: Help supper idea needed please!

  • Sounds like a great reason to have soup! You could do broccoli cheese soup? Steam some broccoli, blend, put in a pot with chicken stock and pepper to heat. Then add shredded cheddar until melty. Adding nutmeg or other spices could zing it up too but I was trying to make it as simple and easy as possible since you are on the mend. There's always the staple tomato soup/grilled cheese too. I love soup any time!

    EDD 1/31/13, MC May 17. EDD 3/31/13, MC July 26. I miss you so much already my angel loves


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  • A baked potato with cheese and sour cream and maybe some yogurt

    Eggs and toast or an egg sandwich

    Grilled cheese and soup

    Hope this helps!



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  • rice and chicken would be good, and not too spicy, so it might feel good on your throat. or make it into a soup;

    put some onion and carrot into a pot and add chicken broth or water (use some boillon if you use water), put in some noodles, or cooked rice, and chicken, and have that for dinner. easy peasy and adding frozen veggies makes it more nutritious! feel better! 

  • I would have oatmeal. But I'm boring like that.
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