Im bored with a sleeping baby . So anyways , I was induced at 41 weeks,cervidil , had low platlet counts through out pregnancy and had to have extreme blood work every week ,9 hour labor , 2 hours of pushing , had an epi , a horrible episodomy (sp?) , 26 stitches , oh and they had to use the jaws of life to get him out lol (forcepts )!
Re: Any one have any questions ?
Just one... what is your point?
Ok, a few questions... Is this your first baby?
Do you think you are an expert too?
I don't like posts like this. I have two kids and one on the way. I think you should be asking me questions.
Im in no way saying im an expert , I just know its better to know a bunch of different birth situations , I know I wanted to know about every different thing that could happen and by reading all the different birth stories from ladies on here I was well informed . Im sorry if I came across as a know all . I only know my birth , and my situation which I hope some one can learn from . And to the post above I promise you my birth story was not horrifing , my labor was soooooo easy compared to my actual pregnancy , I didnt feel a thing and thought the whole experience was very enjoyable . Im sorry if I offended you guys , thats not how I wanted it to come across. I just remember being 41 weeks pregnant and having a girl tell me that her labor wasent picture perfect but it didnt break her and she did it and from that point on I knew I could do it . Im very sorry again !