3rd Trimester

another freakin' MP question

To all you 2nd time, 3rd time, etc mama's

do you remember when you lost your MP?

I KNOW it doesn't mean a whole hill of beans, but I am wondering when it's "normal" to lose it

I don't remember when I lost it w/ my previous 2 pregnancies


also....have any of you had issues with leaking already? I have to wear pads in my bra b/c I am leaking milk already



Re: another freakin' MP question

  • I lost my MP with DS #1 around 36-37 weeks I think.  I was induced at 37 weeks 4 days.  

    And yeah ... as mentioned in the above thread, I started leaking a few weeks ago.   

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    The Mouse ~ 06.12.08 | The Froggy ~ 02.23.11

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