So I am on my fourth medicated cycle, and it has been bad from the start. At first the doctor told me to take a break because it looked like a trip over the holidays would clash with my monitoring visits. I got that all worked out but now I haven't responded at all to meds. We're on cycle day 19 and NOTHING is even close to 10 mm.
I had a consult with my doctor and he decided that the best thing to do would be to cancel with cycle, go on BCP, have a period and then a saline sonogram, and then start stimming for an IVF cycle.
I don't even know if I'm upset or not. Just tired and numb for the most part.
TTC #1 Off of HBC December 09 Dx PCOS, no ovulation, HSG + SIS normal 9/4: 100 mg clomid + ovidrel trigger: BFN 10/15: Gonal-f (75 IU, 112.5 IU, 150 IU) + ovidrel trigger + IUI: BFN 11/15: Gonal-f (112.5 IU) + ovidrel trigger + IUI: BFN 12/17: Gonal-f (112.5 IU, 150 IU): cycle canceled due to no response IVF #1: 1/18 start BCP, 2/1 start Lupron, 2/10 start stimming, 2/20 ER, 2/15 ET, 3/6 beta 1: 216, 3/8 beta 2: 420 *saifw*
Re: I just wasn't meant to have this cycle