To begin IVF#2. I feel like there are so many red flags that mean we shouldn't cycle this month. AF is late, I've been really sick and my nurse is concerened with my deep cough, we have a trip next week we have to go on, and I have been feeling so gross lately (body wise) from our november cycle, the holidays, and being sick that I haven't been working out or eating so great. Are all these excuses to cover up the real reason that I am scared sh!tless that a second IVF cycle won't work? If we never start we can't get bad news. Although the tiny, tiny place in my heart and mind thinks that if we cycle this month I can potentially be that much closer to a BFP.
I just don't know what to do. One part of me thinks another month would be great to be more emotionally and physically ready but the other part of me can't bear to wait another day, let alone another month!
What do you ladies think? Particularly those with failed IVFs, will that fear be there no matter what or are these other concerns legit?
Re: I just don't think I'm ready
I'm a big believer that you know what's right for you at any given time.. Between our FET that closed out IVF#1 and IVF #2, I took a couple months off. We travelled, boated, drank lots of wine and reconnected with our marriage. I also hit my "busy time" at work and didn't want to cycle during that time. That was really important for us and we felt more than ready to start IVF#2. This time, I want to do testing as soon as possible and get moving with our FETs.
For me, the fear of failure will always be there. I've cycled so many times and all I've seen are BFNs. But my fear of never being a mother is greater than my fear of failure, so that's why I keep cycling.
My advice - in the grand scheme of things, 1 month won't make that much of a difference. If you have a lot going on, I'd recommend taking the time off and start your next IVF when you're feeling good!
we have onlu done IUI with injects, but taking a break helps me emotionaly and mentally.
I feel take the break - one month wont make a HUGE difference. Get yourself healed from being sick and everything, especially if yo are feeling you arent ready.
Ultimately you are the one to make this decision -- what does your DH think/feel?
I also know that the fear of failure looms each time we cycle. I cant make that stop as much as I want to.
Good luck with whatever you decide.
TTC #2 since June '08
~*DD 10.21.07*~
dx unexplained
IUI #1-4 BFN
IVF#1 June 2011 BFN
IVF#2 Dec 2011
Beta#1 12/21 : 812 Beta#2 12/23 : 1634
EDD 8/25
I totally agree with steveandkim.
Good luck with making your decision.
We took two months off. I honestly just wanted my body and my sanity back. It's been great! I posted a couple of days ago that I almost feel guilty about not thinking about IVF 24/7. I am 100% ready for a February cycle. Of course, I am scared sh!tless, but, after regrouping a little bit, I still have faith in the process.
I would definitely recommend taking a break if you feel like it, it's made a big difference for me. (((Hugs)))
I agree with PP's and that we do "know" what is right for us if we really listen.
I'm so sorry that you have to deal with the fear and everyhting that comes with this territory. But, if you really feel like you are not ready I say give yourself at least another month!